Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Faculty of Humanities

Family Founding

Maternity leave and „Mutterschaftsgeld“

The maternity leave starts six weeks before the calculated date of birth, the employee may work during this period at her own request if there is no danger for her and the child, and ends eight weeks after birth (except for multiple births), in which the employee is absolutely not allowed to work. The dates should be told to the employer as early as possible, the costs of medical certificate for the calculation of maternity leave is payed by the employer!

During the maternity leave the further mother is entitled to Mutterschaftsgeld ("maternity benefit"). Here, the statutory health insurance company pays up to € 13 / calendar day, the potential difference of this Mutterschaftsgeld to the previous net income is paid by the employer.

Students who where not employed before the birth are not entitled to Mutterschaftsgeld, but to Elterngeld (“parental benefit”) after the birth.

See also: Maternity leave for employees


Elterngeld and Elternzeit


Elterngeld is meant to compensate for financial losses, the amount depends on previous incomes and is generally between 300 and 1,800 euros. There are max. 67% of previous income paid, unless this is less than 1000 €. For families with more than one Child („Mehrkindfamilien“) and in case of multiple birth (“Mehrlingsgeburten“) Elterngeld will be more. Women who were not employed before the birth (students) are entitled to the minimum rate of 300 €. The amount can be calculated with the Elterngeldrechners. Applications should be submitted in the Elterngeldstellen.

Elterngeld will be payed for a maximum of the first 12 months after the birth (“Lebensmonate” des Kindes), if one parent takes Elternzeit (parental leave); if both parents share this 12 months of Elternzeit (each one takes a min. of 2 months) the amount of Elterngeldes goes up to the first 14 months after the birth!

Note: While the mother takes maternity benefit (Mutterschaftsgeld, in the first two months), she has no additional entitlement to Elterngeld (parental benefit), but the father can apply for parental leave and parental benefits at this time!



Elternzeit (parental leave) means, that the former working time must be reduced the particular parent must not work more than 30 hours a week. A part-time may also be applied retrospectively!



Elternzeit must be applicated seven weeks before the start in written form, one has to determine for two years from the beginning of Elternzeit obligatory!

Elternzeit is max. three years, while the eight week Mutterschutz after the birth do not count separately, but are included! The three years can be shared, for example fort he first two years after the birth and another year during the first time at school, but only until the child is seven years old.

Note: There is no entitlement to Elterngeld during the entire Elternzeit, but only during the first 12 or 14 months after the birth! But Elternzeit impacts positively on the Kündigungsschutz (employment protection).


All data without guarantee! For legal advice you should contact the appropriate persons.