Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

Teaching assignments

Please note the deadlines for submitting applications for a teaching assignment.

Latest receipt of complete/correct applications:

15.07. for the respective winter semester

01.02. for the respective summer semester


Please send applications to 


1. Application for a teaching assignment

for HU-internal persons please submit additionally:

2. Accompanying sheet for the social security check (Workspace/Intranet)

3. Information to clarify the social security status (Workspace/Intranet)


Information on teaching assignments at Workspace/Intranet

Documents/forms (Workspace) under "Teaching assignments"

Information on compulsory social security: Teaching assignments for academic staff, teaching assignments MTSV


Legal basis

Guideline for the allocation of teaching assignments

First amendment to the guidelines for the allocation of teaching assignments (Change in remuneration rates)

Second amendment to the guidelines for the allocation of teaching assignments (Change in remuneration rates)