Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

Sick notes


Standard procedure for sick notes for employees of the faculty.pdf

Medical_Record_Institute_Last_Name_First_Name.xlsx Stand 19.01.2023


Frequently asked questions:

1. When does the employee have to call in sick?

§ Section 5 of the Continued Remuneration Act:
The employee is obliged to inform the employer immediately of the incapacity for work and its expected duration. If the incapacity for work lasts longer than three calendar days, the employee must submit a medical certificate confirming the existence of the incapacity for work and its expected duration on the following working day at the latest.


2. Where does the employee call in sick?

according to the regulations in the working groups either with the line manager or/ and in the secretariat


3. Who prepares the sick note for the salary office?

The sickness notifications are created by the decentralized sickness notification officers and are to be sent by email to the responsible clerk in the payroll department. Further information on this can be found in the attached document “Standard procedure for sickness notification of employees by secretariats”.


4. Persistence of the illness?

The employee is obliged to report immediately if the illness persists. On the day of the subsequent sick note, notification must be made to the responsible persons (see 2.).

After making use of the 3 days without sick bill rule, a further sick note must be issued directly from the start of the illness, i.e. from the 1st day of illness without a sick bill! (Example: Monday to Wednesday sick without a sick bill, still sick on Thursday and therefore presentation to the doctor, sick bill is required from Monday).

- Retrospective medical certificate

(Regulation from the joint circular of the statutory health insurers dated 12.06.2018, point ): “Although the incapacity for work for a period prior to the first medical claim should not be certified in principle, backdating the start of the incapacity for work to a day prior to the start of treatment, as well as a retroactive certification of the continued incapacity for work, is permitted as an exception and after conscientious examination regularly up to three days. Such backdating generally has no effect on the entitlement to sickness benefit, which only arises from the day of the medical assessment.”


5. Health report

The employee is obliged to report immediately upon resuming work. The health report must be made in the department. The health reports to the salary office are prepared by the responsible decentralized sickness reporting officers.
Delayed notification of illness may result in delays in salary payments.


6. Sickness during vacation or on days with compensatory time off

In the event of illness during vacation or flexitime, a doctor's certificate of illness must be submitted immediately. Only then can the continued payment of wages in the event of illness apply instead of vacation or floating days and the vacation or time credit be retained.
It is not possible to make use of the 3 days without certificate rule; the vacation days then count as vacation days and the flexitime days as flexitime days.
Please also refer to the information provided by the HR department on this topic:


7. Sick child

Sick days due to “child sick” are also recorded in the sickness file. It is noted that it is “child sick”. A copy of the sickness certificate must be submitted.



Information from the HR department on the intranet (Workspace):

Incapacity for work

Vacation and time off for tariff employees