At Humboldt-Universität there are different support opportunities for women:
- special education services (for example at the Career Centre)
- Berliner Programm zur Förderung der Chancengleichheit in Forschung und Lehre (Berlin Program for the support of equal opportunities in research and teaching)
- mentoring program together with Technische Universität and Freie Universität for women on their way to Professorship
- mentoring program "Von Frau zu Frau" (Women to Women) specially for first generation students
- scholarships
For further information please contact the Central Gender Equality Officer
Support of Women in research and teaching
Since 2002, funding for support of gender equality in non-medical sciences in all subjects flat 5% of the material resources allocated. At the Faculty of Arts and Humanities I the amount is distributed by the Local Gender Equality Officers in cooperation with the Departements. The incentives are divided into two columns:
Column 1: Grants for material resources
- Grant for copying / printing costs for dissertations and theses (for thesis only an informal application with cost estimate is requested)
- Travel expenses, accommodation expenses for research travel etc. (An application for business travel must be submitted. The billing is done directly by the travel division of the Human Resources Department after approval by submitting the original documents)
- Translation costs in the form of a Werkvertrag (special contract) (the contracts and billing is based on the current guidelines for Werkvertrag)
- Guest lectures (For application see contracts for guest lectures)
- More possibilities on request
Procurement guidelines for support:
The funds will be allocated primarily to women at the faculty.
The funds will be awarded for qualification or completion of a thesis with the following priority based on need:
- students (bachelor, master, Magister)
- PhD students
- scientific employees with temporary contracts
- employees with permanent employment contracts
The funds will be awarded for women's studies, gender studies, the expansion of the curriculum for women in research in the form of teaching assignments, guest lectures.
Prerequisite for the award of grants under Column 1:
In each case (except for copying / printing costs of BA/MA thesis) a formal application must be sent to the Local Gender Equality Officers, including a cost estimate. Billing on submission of original documents in the administration of the Faculty (Ms. Shanna Römisch).
Column 2: Scholarship program
The scholarship program offers female students who are enrolled at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities I and are about to write their thesis (bachelor, master or magister) the opportunity to finish their work by way of financial support. The program focuses particularly on highly qualified students, whose graduation is not secure because of social or financial problems.
- The scholarships are given to female Bachelor (of education) students, Master (of education) students and Magister students.
- The number of scholarships is based on the available financial resources.
- The support applies to the period in which the particular thesis is written.
- This period is: 4 weeks (Bachelor), 8 weeks (Master), 12 weeks (Magister)
- The grant amounts to 400 € per month.
- Applications from the students themselves are welcome, also proposals from Professors and Research Assistants.
- A proof of above-average academic performance is required.
- The thesis must have been approved already at the examination office before the application.
- We expect a short, meaningful opinion of the supervisor of the thesis and a letter of motivation of the candidate with information on their social situation.
- A proof of "soziale Härte" (especially financial need) is mandatory for award of scholarships.
- An invitation to an interview is given if needed.
- Applications can be submitted any time in digital form (optionally also in printed form) to the Local Gender Equality Officers:
Subject: Antrag auf Abschluss-Stipendium
Notification of decisions will be given within two weeks after the application.
- The committee consists of a female representative of the department of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities I where the thesis is written (the representive may belong to the mid-level faculty or professors), as well as the Local Gender Equality Officers.
- Decisions can be made if at least the Gender Equality Officers and one representative of the departement have expressed their opinion.