Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Faculty of Language Sciences

Open Call

In order to guarantee a support suited to the needs of the doctoral students across the faculty, you are invited to apply with a concrete project idea or to register your needs for specific measures.

The call for applications is usually announced in autumn.


Possible formats

  • Continuing education programmes specific for a discipline or with an interdisciplinary approach
  • Programmes to promote various (soft)skills relevant to an academic or non-academic career after the doctorate
  • Covering of costs for further education and workshops offered by the Humboldt Graduate School
  • Financial support for retreats (covering of costs for the cost shares of doctoral candidates and postdocs enrolled at HU) and covering of speaker's fees for external academics at events that serve the academic exchange of doctoral candidates (colloquia, workshops, conferences).
  • Funding is primarily intended for projects that have the potential to have a structure-building effect. Please note that the Graduate Centre does not provide individual funding. 


  • Name and contact details of the applicant(s)
  • A brief project description (max. 2 pages) including content, structure, objectives, participants and possible addressees
  • Breakdown of the expected costs
  • Please send your applications to the coordinator of the Graduate Centre: