Budget and Human Resources
If you have any questions about the following contents of the Budget and Human Resources section, please get in touch with your responsible contact person.
Here you will find current job advertisements of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences student assistants as well as all other job advertisements at the HU.
Please note that some documents/links can only be accessed from the HU network (VPN access).
SAP-Training documents
- Brief description of the procurement process
- Inventory master sheet SAP
(over 800 Euro net) - Application for reimbursement / cash expenses from 08.04.2024
- Acceptance order SAP
- SAP payment request
- Completion instructions for AusAO SAP
- Mappinglist PSP-Elements/OKZ (Structural design)
- Account assignment help Status 06.10.2021
- Forms of the budget department
- Invoice (guest lectures, fee contracts (contract for freelance work or contract for work and services) teaching assignments)
- Teaching assignments
- Hospitality and representation
- Conditions of purchase HU
- Suppliers
- Attendance fee
- Customs officer
- Means of appeal
- Notification regulation / Tax ID
- Business trips and travel expenses (Workspace)
Human Resources
- Employees under collective agreements
- Student assistants (SHK)
- Sick notes from 01.07.2022
- Holiday
- ESS Salary slips from 02.01.2023
- Declaration of consent for entry in the central information system (ZIS)
- Onboarding/Offboarding