Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

Concept and Support

Scope of activity of the women's representative


  • Raising awareness of equal opportunities for women among members of the university
  • Ensuring an appropriate proportion of women during selection and appointment procedures, as well as, in structural planning
  • Promotion of women in studies: for doctorates, post-doctorates and professorships
  • Support for women employed in the non-academic sector
  • Improving the compatibility of work/study and family life
  • Counselling assistance in cases of discrimination, bullying, sexual harassment, etc.


Information on funding opportunities for women

Funding opportunities through university and central women's representative:

The available funding opportunities there are broken down by status group and career stage.


Equality Fund of the Humboldt-University

Funds are announced (up to twice a year) for newly appointed female professors (for research assistants and work contracts), and there are also funds for visiting professorships, a junior professor’s program, and teaching assignments for female doctoral students. More information can be found on the pages of the Central Women's Representative.


Caroline von Humboldt Program

The Program Caroline von Humboldt (CvH Program) was developed as Humboldt University's strategic equality concept. It was named after the witty letter writer, salonière, patron and wife of Wilhelm von Humboldt.


Funding opportunities at the institute level

In accordance with the individual equality concepts, there are various measures for the advancement of women at all five schools of the faculty. However, the scope is limited by the funds. If necessary, please ask the respective women's representative of the school whether there is a funding possibility for your request.


Equality concept of the Institute of Chemistry

Gleichstellungskonzept Institut für Chemie, 06.12.2023 (DE only)


Equality concept of the Institute of Geography

Gleichstellungskonzept Geographisches Institut, 28.11.2023 (DE only)


Equality concept of the Institute of Computer Science

Gleichstellungskonzept Institut für Informatik (DE only)


Equality concept of the Institute of Mathematics

Gleichstellungskonzept Institut für Mathematik, April 2042 (DE only)


Equality concept of the Institute of Physics

Gleichstellungskonzept Institut für Physik, 08.07.2024 (DE only)