Faculty Women's Representative
Rudower Chaussee 25, Room 2.001
Office Hours: by appointment
Email: frauenbeauftragte.mnf(at)hu-berlin.de
Telephone: 2093-81128
Representative in absence of Milena Bauer:
Dr. Nadine Weber
Rudower Chaussee 25, Room 2.002
Office Hours: by appointment
Email: frauenbeauftragte.mnf(at)hu-berlin.de
Telephone: 2093-81132
Each of our departments has its own women's representative
Women's representative for the Department of Chemistry
Dr. Iweta Pryjomska-Ray
Sitz: Brook-Taylor-Straße 2, Raum 0'228
Office Hours: by appointment
Email: frauenbeauftragte.chemie(at)hu-berlin.de
Telephone: 2093 – 82835
Representative in absence of Dr. Iweta Pryjomska-Ray:
Diaga Müller (Student)
Sitz: Brook-Taylor-Straße 2
Office Hours: by appointment
Email: frauenbeauftragte.chemie@hu-berlin.de
Women's representative for the Department of Geography
Barbara Richter
Location: Rudower Chaussee 16, Raum 3'109
Office Hours: by appointment
Email: frauenbeauftragte.geographie(at)geo.hu-berlin.de
Telephone: 2093-6813
Representative in absence of
Kathrin Trommler
Location: Rudower Chaussee 16
Office Hours: by appointment
Email: frauenbeauftragte.geographie(at)geo.hu-berlin.de
Telephone: 2093-6877
Women's representative for the Department of Computer Science
Nina Jacquemard
Sitz: Rudower Chaussee 25,
Office Hours: by appointment
Email: frauenbeauftragte(at)informatik.hu-berlin.de
Telephone: 2093 – 41270
Representative in absence of Nina Jacqumard:
Silvia Schoch
Location: Rudower Chaussee 25, Room 3.302
Office Hours: by appointment
Email: frauenbeauftragte.informatik(at).hu-berlin.de
Telephone: 2093-41150
Women's representative for the Department of Mathematics
Prof. Dr. Caren Tischendorf
Location: Rudower Chaussee 25, Room 2.217
Office Hours: by appointment
Email: frbmathe(at)hu-berlin.de
Telephone: 2093-45325
Representative in absence of Caren Tischendorf:
Prof. Dr. Angela Ortega
Location: Rudower Chaussee 25, Room 1.406
Office Hours: by appointment
Email: frbmathe(at)hu-berlin.de
Telephone: 2093-5837
Women's representative for the Department of Physics
Stephanie Wagner (Student)
Location: Newtonstraße 15
Office Hours: by appointment
Email: frauenbeauftragte(at)physik.hu-berlin.de