Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

Further Information

Further Information

  • Listing of all decentralized women's representatives of the HU
  • Directive (DE only) of the President as well as service agreement between the President and the General Staff Council for respectful cooperation at HU.
  • Amtl. Mitteilungsblatt Nr. 53/2016 (DE only) - of 25.08.2016 (Regulations governing the release from work, compensation for expenses and calculation of the standard period of study for decentralized women's representatives and their deputies)
  • HU Guide for Gender-Inclusive Language (DE only)
  • Language and reality (DE only) and the discussion about the gender asterisk


Psychological counselling for students

Contact: psychologische-beratung(at) or contact form


Eq­ui­ty, Di­ver­si­ty, In­clu­sion and Be­long­ing at HU


Sexualised harrassment and violence

The "Statutes for Protection against Sexual Harassment, Sexualised Discrimination and Violence and Stalking" (in German) came into force for the entire HU on 9 January 2025.


  • Flyer (DE only) "The central women's representative " Information about the political office and the tasks
  • Flyer (DE only) "Sexualized Discrimination and Violence
  • Flyer GeCo-Genderconsulting (german)
  • Flyer GeCo-Genderconsulting (english)
  • Magazine (DE only) of the central women's representative "humboldt chancengleich
  • Poster A3 (DE only) "The central women's representative
  • Brochure (DE only) "fokus frau. 2015 - Offers for women at Humboldt-Universität" (german)
  • Brochure (DE only) for the exhibition "The Long Road to Equal Opportunity" - Women Scientists at Berlin University
  • Brochure (DE only) on the creation of the Lise Meitner Monument, 2011