Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät

Workshop "Career transition and change: How to move confidently through times of uncertainty"

19.09.2024, 13:00-16:00, Online


Change is a constant in the life of Early Career Researchers. Developing change competence supports them in facing various challenges such as career transitions. It also promotes self-confidence in people with diverse backgrounds.
In this workshop, you will learn how to approach career transitions, and especially how to handle challenging times effectively. You will receive hands-on input on how to shape your personal path towards a fulfilling life.

● Ways to step out of common stress responses and face challenges in a constructive way
● Approaches how to make informed decisions
● Impulses on how to deal with inner doubts and insecurities
● Goal-setting and realistic action planning



Dr. Nicola Bauer is a career coach and trainer for postdocs and doctoral researchers, both as co-founder of JoyWorks and at Helmholtz Munich. Having thrived in pharmaceutical business consulting after her doctorate in stemcell biology, followed by second studies in Psychology, Nicola is highly experienced in professional reorientation and in providing people with targeted support.

Meike Rottermann works since 10 years as a coach and career consultant, e.g. through Planck Academy, and as co-founder and trainer at JoyWorks. She creatively integrates trainings in emotional intelligence and career consultation with a background in anthropologies and mindfulness practice. She helps scientists (re-)discover their strength, values and a path to flourish.

JoyWorks Trainings With its motto Know yourself, empower yourself! JoyWorks supports early career researchers to build a successful and fulfilling career and life.




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The link will be provided by e-mail a few days prior to the event.