Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Faculty of Life Sciences



 General information about appointments

Die HU-Webseite bietet Informationen zu Berufungsverfahren. Dort findet sich auch ein Link zu dem aktuellen Berufungsleitfaden.

Die Lebenswissenschaftliche Fakultät bietet darüber hinaus für die Berufungskommissionen Handreichungen (NEU Februar 2016). Bitte wenden Sie sich an den Bereich Akademische Angelegenheiten ( unserer Fakultät, falls Sie an einer Kommission mitarbeiten und weitere Informationen benötigen.



 Extraordinary Professorship

The Faculty of Life Sciences has agreed on a specific procedure (german version only) for the appointment of extraordinary professorships.


 Honorary professors

The Faculty of Life Sciences has agreed on a specific procedure (german version only) for the appointment of honorary professors.


 Necessary application documents

Please submit your application as a (single) pdf-file:

  • letter of application (including your private address)

  • CV

  • description of future research projects (approximately 3 pages)

  • teaching portfolio (teaching concept, list of your teaching experience, didactic training)

  • a statement (max. 1 page) identifying previous and future contributions to equity, diversity and inclusion, and the candidates ability to work in culturally diverse groups
  • list of publications

  • information on third party funding

  • If requested in the call for proposals: Copies of up to 5 selected recent publications (pdf)

  • certificates: diploma, bachelor and master certificate, doctoral certificate, habilitation certificate and certificate of appointment if applicable


Send to:


Please address your application letter to:

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Dekan der Lebenswissenschaftlichen Fakultät

Unter den Linden 6

10099 Berlin



 Current job advertisements

Please find out current job ads below.
In case you have any specific questions please contact the us under:





In case you have applied for an appointment you may check the status of the proceedings. Each document is password protected. All applicants have received the password.


Full Professorship for ‘Biosystems Engineering’ (W3) Albrecht Daniel Thaer-Institute of Agricultural and Horticultural Sciences

Kennziffer: PR/004/24
Bewerbung bis 08.05.2024; Extention until 19.06.2024; Renewed extension until 23 July 2024

Current status of the appointment proceedings - 31.07.2024


Full Professorship for ‘Plant Nutrition’ (W3) Albrecht Daniel Thaer-Institute of Agricultural and Horticultural Sciences

Kennziffer: PR/003/24
Bewerbung bis 08.05.2024

Current status of the appointment proceedings - 26.09.2024


Full Professorship for „Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology and Psychotherapy“ (W3) Institute of Psychology

Kennziffer: PR/001/24
Bewerbung bis 29.02.2024

Aktueller Stand des Berufungsverfahrens - Stand 14.02.2024


Full Professorship for „Plant Physiology“ (W3) Institute of Biology

Kennziffer: PR/015/23
Bewerbung bis 11.10.2023

Current status of the appointment proceedings - 18.03.2024


Full Professorship for „Microbial Infection Biology“ (W2) Institute of Biology

Kennziffer: PR/011/23
Bewerbung bis 19.07.2023

Current status of the appointment proceedings - 04.01.2024


Full Professorship for ‘Agricultural Business Economics’ (W3) Albrecht Daniel Thaer-Institute of Agricultural and Horticultural Sciences

Kennziffer: PR/001/23
Bewerbung bis 31.03.2023

Current status of the appointment proceedings - 04.01.2024