Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

Campus Club Adlershof

The Adlershof Science and Technology Park offers an excellent location for research and work. However, there is no regular exchange between students, researchers, employees and entrepreneurs yet. The Campus Club Adlershof aims to close this gap: stakeholders from science, research and business will meet there regularly, engage in an interactive exchange and form a lively community.

The Campus Club Adlershof aims to establish an open, flexible setting that unleashes innovation, promotes diversity and talent and makes a sustainable contribution to the development of the science and technology location.

The Campus Club Adlershof is a joint collaboration between the Center for Career Development Adlershof and WISTA Management.


October 2024.jpg
Transitioning from academia to industry
08.10.2024, 16:00-17:30


Career paths after the doctorate can go in many different directions - also beyond academia. Career transitioning from academia to industry can be a longer process. Navigating what can feel like an overwhelming number of branching paths is a challenge for those finishing up a PhD or postdoctoral position. You’ll find many books and articles on that issue. However, sometimes it is more effective to get personal testimonials from people who have taken this step and share their experiences in finding fulfilling and motivating careers. That’s why we organize our monthly meetings with interesting people working at Campus Adlershof or in the Berlin area. By first-hand impressions, you will find out more easily about your own career steps. Besides, you realize that you are not alone with your questions or doubts.

Dr. Gabrielle Thomas is currently working as a group leader marketing for Menlo Systems (Munich/ Berlin) and is an academic visitor at Imperial College (London). She is a trained physicist with a master’s degree in optics and photonics and holds a PhD in laser physics at Imperial College. She then worked as scientific project leader at ESA, Max Born Institut and in different positions for several companies before she joined Menlo Systems in 2022.

Dr. Clara Patricia Marshall works currently as a Project Leader at Integrated Lab Solutions ILS GmbH (Berlin, Germany). Originally from Argentina, where she studied chemistry at the University of Buenos Aires, she moved to Berlin in 2015 to pursue her PhD in Inorganic Chemistry at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. After finishing her studies, she worked in the field of catalysis as a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society before joining ILS.

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