Finishing your doctoral studies
Before handing in your thesis, please contact the Office for Doctoral Affairs via email or phone in order to discuss all the specifics of your examination procedures.
Please have your thesis printed and bound and include the following elements:
- Title page
- Statement of Authorship
- A summary of your thesis in German, if your thesis is written in a language other than German (and only if you are studying according to the Doctoral Degree Regulations form 2018)
Please hand in four printed copies of your thesis as well as a digital version (PDF).
Please submit the following documents to the Office for Doctoral Affairs in order to initiate the doctoral degree procedure:
- A formal request to initiate the doctoral degree procedure in German. You can find a form on this website.
- Your signed CV
- Certificate of enrolment
- Publication list (where applicable)
- an extra copy of your statement of authorship. Please indicate whether you have previously completed or pursued a doctorate. If so, please indicate the time, institution and topic.
- Copy of your ID or passport
- the dissertation in four printed and bound copies as well as an electronic version of the dissertation in pdf format. The digital version of the dissertation is made available via the HU-Box.
- Certified copies of your degree certificates and diplomas (only if you haven't already submitted them to the Office for Doctoral Affairs at an earlier stage)
You might have to hand in other documents for your specific procedure. Please check with the Office for Doctoral Affairs.
The Office for Doctoral Affairs will send the copies of your thesis to the reviewers. The period of review is set in the Doctoral Degree Regulations pertaining to your doctoral project. When the reviews are completed, they will be displayed at the faculty administration together with your thesis for two weeks, usually during term time. University teachers have the right to hand in a written commentary on your thesis during this period.
The oral defence can take place after the period of review is over. The secretary of your first supervisor will coordinate the date of the defence. It usually takes place during term time and is open to the academic community at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. It takes between 60 and 90 minutes.
Please hand in your thesis paper at the Office for Doctoral Affairs no later than eight days before the defence. If you are pursuing your doctorate at the Department of History and pursuant to the Doctoral Degree Regulations of 2010 or 2018, please note the implementation regulations specific to the Department of History. If you have any questions, please contact the Office for Doctoral Affairs.
After the defence, the Doctoral Committee will internally determine the letter grade of the defence and of the doctorate. The chairperson will announce the letter grade. In case you do not pass the defence, you have the right to repeat the procedure pursuant to §11, para. 2 of the Doctoral Degree Regulations from 28 February 2018.
After your successful defence, you will receive a certificate with the results of your doctoral examination. This certificate does not entitle you to bear the title of “Doctor”!
You can get a form for the release for print of your thesis at the Office for Doctoral Affairs upon request. Your first reviewer needs to sign it. Please return it to the Office for Doctoral Affairs in the original.
You have a number of options to publish your thesis. Please consult the Doctoral Degree Regulations pertaining to your doctoral project.
Please hand in the required number of deposit copies at the Thesis Department of the University Library. They will give you a receipt to hand in at the Office for Doctoral Affairs.
Please ensure the deposit copies contain the following information:
-the thesis was handed in at the Faculty of Humanities at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
-the title of the thesis, if it differs from the title of the publication
-the names of the reviewers
-the date of the oral defence
You can find further information on the website of the Thesis Department of the University Library.
You can find information on electronic publication on the edoc-Server at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.
Please submit the original receipt from the Thesis Department of the University Library to the Office for Doctoral Affairs. We will draw up your certificate.
You may only bear the title of “Doctor” once you have received this certificate!