Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Faculty of Language Sciences

Counseling and Support

During your doctorate, a wide range of counselling and support services are available at the faculty and at HU.


The graduate centre's consultation hour


Are you unsure whether a doctorate at the Faculty of Languages and Literatures is right for you? Do you need more information about the doctoral process or further education programmes? Or are you already doing your doctorate and need advice in a conflict with your supervisor or colleagues?

Feel free to contact us and ask for consultation.


In case of conflict

The Faculty has an ombudsperson who can be contacted by both doctoral candidates and supervisors in all serious cases of conflict in the supervisory relationship. Please contact the coordination of the Graduate Centre or the ombudsperson Prof. Dr Elisabeth Verhoeven directly with your enquiries.

The Humboldt Graduate School also offers a free conflict consultation hour. This is open to all doctoral candidates and supervisors at Humboldt-Universität. Trained mediators offer counselling (also anonymously) in conflict-prone situations in the context of doctoral studies.


International doctoral students

The International Office offers a wide range of support and events for German and international doctoral students. 


Central services for doctoral students at HU

  • The HU's central doctoral student portal provides useful information regarding funding, family and women's support as well as information for international doctoral students.
  • HU-Docs, the HU's doctoral network, offers a series of exchange events with other doctoral candidates at the HU.



You can find information on how to balance academic and family life on the pages of the Family Office 
as well as at Humboldt Graduate School – Doctoral studies with child(ren)



The pages of the Central Women's representative can be a helpful source of information for women in the early stages of their careers. You can also get in contact with the Women's representative at the faculty and the departments.



The HU also offers support for those who have recently completed their doctorate. Please check the central pages of the Postdoc Portal.