Power Cage - Experimental Space Aquarium
- https://fakultaeten.hu-berlin.de/en/mnf/wisskar/wins-adlershof/events/extevents/powercage
- Power Cage - Experimental Space Aquarium
- 2019-11-22T00:00:00+01:00
- 2019-12-07T23:59:59+01:00
- When Nov 22, 2019 12:00 to Dec 07, 2019 11:59
- Where State Studio Berlin, Hauptstr. 3 10827 Berlin
The invention of the aquarium by the self-taught natural scientist Jeanne Villepreux-Power in 1832 brought the sea into the living rooms of the bourgeoisie and made the previously mysterious and uncanny underwater worlds observable, experienceable and explorable. For the interdisciplinary exhibition POWER CAGE, fifteen artists were inspired by this groundbreaking invention and transferred Jeanne Villepreux-Power's Œvre into sounding aquariums, imaginary underwater worlds, flickering video chambers and artificial biospheres.
With Sandra Babing, Sabine Ercklentz, Christina Ertl-Shirley, Katharina Ludwig, Uta Neumann, Felicity Mangan, Ioana Vreme Moser, Mira O‘Brien, Claudia Reiche, Billy Roisz, Tomoko Sauvage, Anouschka Trocker, Antje Vowinckel und Mara Wagenführ and Ruth Waldeyer.
In addition, the public can become researchers themselves in several workshops on biosphere construction, cyanotype photography and mollusc drawing. A lecture by the author Mareike Vennen will shed light on the cultural history of aquariums (followed by audience discussion).
22. Nov - 7 Dec, 2019
Mo - Su, 12 - 7 pm