Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Faculty of Language Sciences

Finishing your doctorate

Handing in your thesis


Once your thesis is finished, it is handed in at the doctoral office according to the following process and accompanied by the documents listed below. 

The Promotionsausschuss decides on the opening of the procedure. Please note that the Promotionsausschuss does not meet in the months of March, August and September.

Please also pay attention to the Doctoral degree regulations (Promotionsordnung).



The following documents should be handed in digitally/as a scan at


Doctoral thesis

The printed copies of your thesis need to be handed in at least one week before the opening of the procedure (meeting of the Promotionsausschuss) – the copies can be sent by post or dropped off in person by appointment at the doctoral office.

Please include the following documents bound into each copy of your thesis:




After your succesful disputation the thesis needs to be made accessible to the public. You will find various options for publication in the doctoral regulations. Information on publication can also be found on the pages of the University Publication Centre.
If required, you can apply for publication and/or printing grants at the following institutions, among others:




You will receive the degree from the doctoral office after you have provided proof of publication of your dissertation. The university library will issue a certificate when you hand in your copies. Please send the original of this certificate to the doctoral office. You are only authorized to use the doctoral title once you have received the degree from the doctoral office.