Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

Upcoming events

People take part in discussion round

Ill.: Andreas Franz Xaver Süß




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Past events:


Interdisciplinary conference
Future WINS: Cross-sections and interfaces in science, careers, and communication

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WINS Circle Meeting

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09.07.2024, 16:00-17:30

Future talks! "Pioneering Sustainable Science"

Networking meeting with Dr. Antje Vollmer, Facility Speaker BESSY II and Head of User Coordination and Technical User Support


Virtual Networking Meetings


23 May 2024, 15:00-16:00
Job applications – The HR manager’s perspective
Virtual networking meeting with Bessie Fischer-Bohn (WISTA)


21 February 2024, 15:00-16:00

Doing a doctorate with a child

Virtual networking meeting with Alice Bobée (Leibniz Institute for Research on Society and Space /IRS) and Dr. Anne Vogt (Fiege Logistik)


16 March 2023, 15:00-16:00

Changing from postdocs to science management

Virtual networking meeting with Dr. Anna Maria Elert (BAM)


1 Dec 2022, 3-4pm

Fieldwork and expedition under very special circumstances

Talk by Dr. Anja Sommerfeld (Forschungsverbund Berlin e.V.)  followed by discussion


24 Nov 2022, 2-5pm

Spontaneity and Quick wit

Workshop session with Beatriz Beyer (Göttingen) based on improvisational theatre, aimed at female scientists


20 Oct 2022

Katja Kolmetz (WaveMakers)

Personal Branding & Authenticity: How to show up for yourself!


15 June 2022

How to get active during the doctorate: Grass-root activism and other “side projects”

Katharina Bögl (HU Berlin)


10 May 2022,

How to combine entrepreneurship and sustainability

Dr. Jennifer Rasch (Goldmarie Finanzen) and Katja Brunner (Humboldt-Innovation)


03 March 2022, 15-16:30

Understanding selection committees for professorships

Talk by Prof. Caren Tischendorf (HU) and Prof. Maite Wilke Berenguer (HU) followed by discussion


24 Feb 2022, 14:30-15:30

Lessons learned in female leadership

Talk by Dr. Kathrin Goldammer, Reiner Lemoine Institut (RLI) followed by discussion


11 Feb 2022, 15-16

A career path as a woman in applied quantum optics

Virtual lab tour and career talk by Dr. Sofia Pazzagli (HU) on the International Day of Women and Girls in Science


13 December 2021, 3-4 pm
Gender bias and diversity
Talk by Dr. Arezoo Pooresmaeili followed by discussion


10 Nov 2021, 2-4 pm
Fit for third-party funding: Opportunities and programmes after the PhD
Dr. Maria Abad Andrade, Research Advisor at Research Service Centre/ HU


23 June 2021, 15:30-17 pm

Hochschulprofessorin werden: Voraussetzungen, Rahmenbedingungen und Möglichkeiten für Naturwissenschaftlerinnen

Information event (in German!) with

Susanne Plaumann (Beuth Hochschule) and Prof. Juliane Siegeris (HTW Berlin)


26 May 2021, 3-4 pm

Lessons learned about entrepreneurship.

Virtual networking meeting with

Dr. Dominik Sarma, Belyntic


29 April 2021, 3- 4 pm

Lessons learned in academia.

Virtual networking meeting with

Dr. Franziska Emmerling, Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM)


11 February 2021, 4-5:30 pm

Free live webinar on the International Day of Women and Girls in Science

María Piquer-Rodríguez, Geo.X Postdoctoral Researcher (Young Academy) at FU/ HU Berlin
A career path as a woman in land-use and sustainability sciences

María Piquer-Rodríguez, a scientist from the Earth Observation Lab of the Geography Department of HU and the Latinamerica Institute of the Freie Universität Berlin, will give an overview of her research topics at the intersection of different institutions and disciplines and tell us about her career path as a woman in ecology and land-use sciences.

If you missed the event or just want to see the presentation again, here it is.


29 October 2020, 3-4pm

Auslandsaufenthalte und Austauschmöglichkeiten mit internationalen Hochschulen

Information event (in German) with Ruben Assmann (HU, International Office), Monique Getter (HU, Coordinator International Office MNF), and Dr. Verena Namberger (HU, Vice Central Women’s Representative)


15 October 2020, 1-2pm

Empowerment Through Emotional Intelligence

Webinar with Dr. Cathy Sorbara


8 October 2020, 1-2pm

Understanding Your Core Values and Purpose

Webinar with Dr. Cathy Sorbara


11 February 2020, 3-4.30 pm

Lab Tour and Career Talk with Dr. Sonal Mistry, HZB: High quantum efficiency multi-alkali photocathodes for high brightness electron sources

Venue: HZB, Schwarzschildstr.10, 12489 Berlin

What exactly does a postdoc do at a research institute? What scientific questions does he or she want to address? What is their daily work routine? During our Lab Tours, female postdocs provide insight into their jobs. They also tell us about their career path: How did they get there? And what do they envision for their professional future?

This time, Dr. Sonal Mistry, a scientist from the High Brightness Electron Beams group ( at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin, will give an overview of her research areas. The tour includes a guided visit of the research facility.

The lab tour is aimed at female PhD students, postdocs and master‘s students.

Please register by e-mail:



Please register for the individual event.