Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

Summer School 2024

Ill.: Patrick Weseloh


Artificial Intelligence in Research and Society

21.-24.06.2024, Blossin


In the future, artificial intelligence (AI) will significantly impact research and our society: Predictive AI will improve our ability to predict trends, make informed decisions, and optimize processes. Generative AI will help to create new content, such as realistic images, texts, and even entire scenarios. While these advances are promising, they also pose major challenges for research and society. Ethical considerations, biases in training data, and the interpretability of complex models are among the key hurdles that need to be overcome to ensure the responsible and fair use of predictive and generative AI technologies. In terms of a fair and positive future, it will be important to find and maintain a balance between innovation and ethical use of these technologies.

During the three-day summer school, we want to discuss these aspects of AI in more detail and bring together renowned experts, professional trainers and young scientists from all areas of the natural sciences.



Prof. Dr. Maite Wilke Berenguer

Prof. Dr. Thomas Kosch

Dr. Milena Bauer

Dr. Petra Metz





The summer school will take place in Berlin and Blossin. Blossin is an idyllic educational resort on the outskirts of Berlin. The program begins on Friday, June 21 in Berlin, that evening we travel on to Blossin and it will end on Monday, June 24. A shuttle will be available to and from Blossin on the day of arrival and departure. Scientific lectures, presentations and discussions will be complemented by a workshop on career planning, networking and diversity.

The summer school is addressed to Doctoral candidates and Master's students of Humboldt-Universität, especially from the fields of chemistry, geography, mathematics, physics, computer science, nano- and material sciences and psychology. Conference language is English!

Participation is free of charge: all local costs, including accommodation for 3 nights, food and non-alcoholic beverages, are taken over by the organization. The number of participants is limited to 20.

Applications including a CV in table form and a short motivation letter (max 1 page A4) explaining your interest for attending this event should be sent to by 2 April 2024.

In case the received applications exceed the number of available slots, a selection will be made by the organizers based on the motivation letters and on the CVs. Admitted participants will be notified shortly after the application deadline.



Dr. Milena Bauer, Graduiertenzentrum Adlershof

Fon: +49 (0)30 2093 81128



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