Reimbursement of cash expenses
General information
- Basis: DA for the reimbursement of cash expenses and compliance with value limits from 27.03.2024
- Key notes on the procedure (HU-intern)
Expense reimbursements are reimbursements of money spent for official use. In principle, there is no entitlement to reimbursement of money spent privately unless the process has been documented in advance and a determination (manual commitment of funds) has been made in SAP. Public procurement law must also be complied with when reimbursing expenses (usually informal price comparison).
- Only HU Berlin employees or civil servants (HL, WiMi, MTSV, SHK) can apply for reimbursement of expenses (no external HU employees, no students, etc.).
- Reimbursements of expenses must be clarified in advance with the responsible person authorized to issue the order (budget/personnel processing of the faculty or SZF processing of the project) and documented in writing (e-mail). This written application must then be submitted later as a document.
- Reimbursements of expenses are only eligible for approval if the ordinary procurement channel, i.e. procurement by or after approval by authorized persons (budget/personnel processing of the faculty or SZF processing of the project) is excluded.
- Applications under EUR 10 and over EUR 150 will not be processed. In individual cases, exceptions may be permitted by the responsible authorizing officer for the emergency procurements/standard cases listed below. If the value falls below the limit of EUR 10, receipts can be collected until this amount is reached.
- Reimbursements of expenses must be submitted for reimbursement within 6 months of the payment date. No reimbursement will be made thereafter.
- The only exception is the collection of receipts under 10 euros. These can be submitted until the end of the financial year following the first payment.
- Reimbursements of expenses go to the bank account stored in the personal personnel master record for the salary payment.
Emergency procurements/standard cases
In some cases, it is normal business practice that the employee must make payments directly or that it is not possible to coordinate payments in advance due to urgency or special circumstances. These are:
- Emergency procurement due to accidents (immediate procurement of spare parts to prevent consequential damage to equipment/infrastructure)
- Attendance fees for conferences/meetings - With the introduction of SAP Travel Expense Accounting, attendance fees associated with business trips are now only paid via business trip accounting
- Membership fees for personal memberships - however, it must be checked in advance whether the payment of the membership fee is permitted under budgetary law
- Subject remunerations
- Reimbursement of travel expenses for official business within Berlin (€10 limit also applies here)
The exceptions do not exclude the requirements of public procurement law (e.g. informal price comparison); these are binding in all cases.
Refund form
- In addition to the name, the SAP partner number of the employee requesting reimbursement must be stated on the reimbursement form. This is made up of HR00 followed by the personnel number, which can be taken from the payslip.
- The IBAN no longer needs to be entered, the data from the HR master data record is always used
- Additional documents such as receipts and vouchers must be attached on A4 paper if they do not already correspond to this format. If necessary, proof of payment must also be enclosed. This is not necessary if the submitted receipts/receipts show that payment has been made.
- Except in the case of time-critical emergency procurements/accidents, proof of prior communication and approval from the HH/P department of the faculty administration must always be attached. This also includes the above-mentioned standard cases (membership fees etc.).
- Form