Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - International Office

Stays abroad during the doctorate

On these pages you will find information on funding opportunities for stays abroad during your PhD.

Funding opportunities within the HU
Erasmus+ study visits

You may have already taken advantage of the program ERASMUS + of the European Union during your bachelor's or master's program. Even as enrolled PhD student you have the opportunity to apply for funding for a study period at one of our numerous partner universities of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. 

Research visits / internships ERASMUS+

As doctoral student you have the possibility to apply for Erasmus+ funding for an internship at a partner university, at a company or at a research institution in another European country.

Teaching abroad (Erasmus STA)

Erasmus+ allows doctoral students short term teaching possibilities at European partner schools.

University and faculty partnerships

University teachers and researchers can apply for funding for preparatory stays or trips that are important for maintaining the relationship with a partner university and hence strengthens the international profile of our faculty. You apply for the funding at the International Office in Mitte.

Going East

The DAAD Eastern Partnerships program provides HU colleagues the opportunity to apply for funding for travel expenses to one of our 14 cooperation universities.


Funding opportunities outside the HU
DAAD scholarships

The scholarship program of the DAAD offers the possibility to research abroad as part of the doctorate. Various topics, time spans and countries get promoted. 

Fulbright Program

The program for doctoral students offered by the Fulbright Commission promotes 4-6 month stays in the US.

Japan Society for the Promotion of Scienes (JSPS)

The JSPS fellowship offers short (about 2 months) scolarships to doctoral students who wish to conduct research at a Japanese state university or Japanese research institute.


More funding opportunities for stays abroad during the promotion

Franco-German University


scholarships traffic controller

Donors' Association

DAAD Congress - and lecture tours

Association of German Foundations

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