Mentioned below are the most important contact persons for the students of the master`s programme European Literatures, each one with a short description about their area of responsibility.
Programme Convenor for the M.A. European Literatures
(Learning Agreements for studying abroad can only be discussed during the term period)
Prof. Dr. Mark-Georg Dehrmann
Dorotheenstraße 24, Room 3530
Tel.: (030) 2093 9695
Student Advisory Service / Course Guidance
(Basic information for prospective students, questions concerning the course catalogue and the course of the studies)
Barbara Wurm
Dorotheenstraße 65, Raum 5.25
Tel.: (030) 2093-73363
Registrar's Office
(Handing in "Arbeitsnachweise", registering for the M.A. thesis)
Beatrice Langhoff
Dorotheenstr. 65, Room 4.66
Tel.: (030) 2093-5167
Coordinator for International Affairs
(Planning your studies abroad)
Dorotheenstr. 24, Raum 3.411
Tel.: (030) 2093 9798
Head of Teaching and Studies at SprachLit Fak
(General questions concerning studying at the Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaftliche Fakultät)
Birgit Lettmann
Dorotheenstr. 24, Raum 3.205
Tel.: (030) 2093 9606
Student Assistant
(Responsible for the website and teaching assistance)
Fanny Wehner