Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

WINS Adlershof

qualification - exchange - networking


With WINS Adlershof, we are actively promoting female doctoral students and postdocs to pursue a career in science. We offer the opportunity to acquire key qualifications, exchange ideas and network with leading personalities from the university and other research institutions in Adlershof. With this program, we want to give effective support on the way to leadership positions - according to the motto: identify and promote hidden potential.


The modular qualification program is based on training, mentoring, events and an annual summer school


 Welcome to know our community  WINS Blog: Getting to know our community
 Ill.: Julia Baier


In addition, we have now created a communication platform that complements our initiative.

On our new blog you will find profiles of the people involved, interesting calls for application, articles on relevant topics from our community, and reviews of events.

Our aim is for female scientists of the different disciplines within our faculty to become more visible, to inspire others and to use this platform as a kind of database to find female experts in all areas of mathematics and science.


Feel free to join our community and share stories and ideas!



Information and registration:

Dr. Petra Metz, Head of Program
Dean’s office of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

Johann von Neumann-Haus
Rudower Chaussee 25, 12489 Berlin
Room: 2.325

Tel. 030 - 2093 – 81125