Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - International Office

Exams and the end of your study

The final steps to a successfully completion of your stay at Humboldt-University:


1. Registration for examinations 

  • You register online for your exams via AGNES. Under "angemeldete Prüfungen" you can check, if you are registered or not.
  • If the online registration for your exams is not possible, please contact the respective examination office. In this case a registration with the form "Registration for module examination" via e-mail may be an alternative.
  • Examination dates are published on the websites of the departments and examination offices. The exact deadlines for registration can be found in the examination plan.
  • Please be aware of the registration deadlines and sign in on time.


2. Before your departure

  • Your "Confirmation of Study Abroad" or "Letter of Attendance" will be signed by the International Office of the Faculty. Please send the form via e-mail.
  • The Transcript of Records includes the acadamic achievements of your exchange semester. The Transcipt will be created by your examination office at the of the semester. This does not happen automatically. 
  • You need to contact your respective examination office via e-mail, send a list of all your attended courses and ask to issue the the Transcript of Records.
  • If you attended courses at other departments, please also send the performance certificates ("Leistungsscheine") of those courses if you want them to be included into your Transcipt of Records.
  • Do not forget to deregister from local authorities, for example the citizen center.


If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us: