Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

Upcoming events

Upcoming workshops / trainings / event

22.10.2024, 14:00-16:00
Publishing in Nature Portfolio journals

The talk “Publishing in Nature Portfolio journals” will be held by Dr. Silvia Conti, one of the editors of Nature Reviews Electrical Engineering, and is intended to cover the essential aspects of scientific writing and publishing with a strong emphasis on Nature journal standards and best practices. The presentation will provide the opportunity to learn about the Nature family of journals and its hierarchy. We will touch upon the editorial criteria, content types and peer-review process. Finally, the key strategies for writing a scientific publication will be presented with the emphasis on the differences between the publication process in Nature Reviews and Nature Research journals.


Registration required

31.10.2024, 13:30-15:30
Welcome Day

Join us for an afternoon of insights and advice, as we introduce you to the various offerings and opportunities for PhD candidates at the Graduate Center Adlershof, on Campus and at Humboldt-Universität. Moreover, there will be interactive sessions, opportunities to connect with your peers and a visit to the university library with a short guided tour.


Registration required


Upcoming disputations


Christian Golz: Electrical characterization of defects in oxide semiconductors ß-Ga2O3


18.10.2024, 11:00, Institut für Physik, Room 1'202 Newtonstraße 15


Valentin Domann: Die lokale Dimension des populistischen Rechtsradikalismus. Raumrelationale Zugriffe auf kommunale Politiken der AfD, ihre Kontextfaktoren und Effekte


                       18.10.2024, 16:00, Geography Institut, Room 2'108, Rudower Chaussee 16


Anagha Kamath: Nanoheteroepitaxy of Indium Phosphide Nanostructures on CMOS-Si using Gas-Source Molecular-Beam Epitaxy


25.10.2024, 13:00, IRIS Building, Room 1'121 Zum Großen Windkanal 2


Shah Faisal: Extremal Lagrangian tori in toric domains


31.10.2024, 15:15, BMS Lounge, Room 1.023, Rudower Chaussee 25



Lars Ferencz: Measurement of associated Higgs boson production with top quarks in the Higgs to 𝒃𝒃 decay channel using the ATLAS detector
at the LHC

Physics / Experimental Physics

                        04.11.2024, 10:30, Dep. for Physics, Room 2´101, Newtonstr.15


Lukas Langhamer: Environmental Response to Recent Changes in the Extratropical Circulation


08.11.2024, 15:00, ESZ, Room 0´101, Rudower Chaussee 26


Johannes Müller: Transmission diffraction in a scanning electron microscope with pixelated detectors: Development and applications

Physics / Experimental Physics

14.11.2024, 14:00, IRIS Building, Room 2.049, Zum Großen Windkanal 2