Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - International Office

Study in Europe

Credits: Jan von Allwörden/DAAD

Students have the possibility to study for one or two semesters at one of our  partner universities abroad.

Bachelor and Master are the most common study periods for an Erasmus exchange but you can also go abroad during your Phd. Improve your language skills, learn about a new culture and study in a different university system.

You need to be enrolled at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin at the time of the application and during your study exchange abroad. Students can apply for a study stay abroad in the next winter and/or summer semester. 

Erasmus+ Program

The new Erasmus program generation (2021-2027) places a strong focus on social inclusion, digital transitions, and supports green mobility. The five departments of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences offer a wide choice of partner universities in Europe.
The Swiss equivalent to the Erasmus program is the Swiss-European Mobility Program (SEMP). The application is possible through the Erasmus call for applications.

Call for Applications for the Academic Year 2024/25

The current call for applications is aiming at students who want to study abroad during the winter semester 2024/25 and/or the summer semester 2025 (including Switzerland).
Students who have been selected for an Erasmus study exchange can receive financial support. Additional financial support is possible for students with children, for students with a degree of disability and for students with fewer possibilities such as first-generation students and students with a job.
The rights and duties of Erasmus students are summarized in the Erasmus student charter.

Exception: Study exchange in the UK

It is still possible to apply for a study exchange at one of our UK partner universities. But due to Brexit it is no longer possible to receive financial support through the Erasmus program. However, our agreements with partner universities exempt exchange students from study fees in the UK. If other financial support through HU grants may be possible, has not been decided yet.


You apply via an online application form. You can apply for partner universities that have an exchange agreement with your department.

The application period for the 2024/25 exchange has passed.
There are some remaining slots (see list) for the summer semester 2025 available. Interested students can send an e-mail to:

Please note: The application platform is in German. All the required documents can be uploaded in English. If you have problems with German and/or with the application platform please contact


The following documents (in a pdf format) are requested during the application process:
(please click here to see the list)
• Curriculum Vitae (CV)
• Letter of Motivation (1 page, why, when, where you want to study abroad)
• AGNES overview of completed courses (with current grades)
• only for master applications: proof of Bachelor degree or first Master semester
• Language certificate for the main course language abroad (B2, max. 2 years old, later submission possible)
• HU enrollment certificate


Chronology of an Erasmus semester (inluding the necessary documents)

Formalities before Going Abroad
After a successful application the student needs to take care of a few things before starting the semester abroad.

1. Nomination
After students receive an Erasmus+ exchange slot we will offically nominate them at the respective partner university. Students will receive further information via e-mail from the partner univeristy on how to apply there directly. The application at the partner univeristy is formally required and in most cases students get easily accepted.

Recommendation: Look at the website of the partner university to see if they have any specific study/application requirements (e.g. language requirements).

2. Grant Agreement
The Grant Agreement (Swiss Mobility Agreement for Switzerland) is the Erasmus+ agreement between the student and HU Berlin. It is the contract for the scolarship and payment. The document needs to be signed and sent to the International Office of the Faculty. We will be in touch with the student and send the form.

3. EU Language Test
Erasmus+ students have to take an additional online language test (OLS) before going abroad. The test is initiated by the EU to compare students' language skills before and after their stay abroad. The language tested is the main course language during the exchange semester. Student receive an invitation for the test via e-mail. The login information is also valid for the second test at the end of the Erasmus stay.

4. Learning Agreement
During the study period abroad students should attend courses totalling 25 - 30 ECTS. The Learning Agreement makes sure that courses can be recognized at HU Berlin. The Learning Agreement will be signed by the student, the Erasmus+ coordinator of the department and the Erasmus+ coordinator of the partner university. Afterwards the document (with all signatures) can be forwarded to the Erasmus+ coordinator of the faculty. This needs to happen before the student goes abroad. The Learning Agreement can be changed during the stay if courses change. 


Information Before Going Abroad
1. Language Course
For the Erasmus+ application a proof of language proficiency of B2 is neccessary. The HU Language Centre (Spachenzentrum) offers a variety of courses and language tests (when only a proof of language proficiency is needed). To refresh some language skills there are also several other options like courses at the Berliner Volkshochschule or intensive classes at the partner univeristy before the semester start.

2. Break Semester ("Urlaubssemester")
During the semester abroad you can apply to be put on official leave of absence. This can be done every time the HU asks for "Rückmeldung".

The leave of absence counts for the whole semester including the semester break. During the leave the semester is not counted as "Fachsemester". During the time students cannot attend classes at HU. Exams can only be written for classes the student has visited before the leave. This includes field trips, excursions and internships. The advantage is that the student has almost no semester fees at HU to pay for the semester. Of course there are also no semester fees to pay at the partner university.

HU Berlin can refund the semester ticket even without official leave if students can prove that they are not in Berlin. The refunding is done by the Studierendenwerk. The application for the leave can be sent to the matriculation office.

3. Further details to be taken care of:

- bank accound abroad/credit card
- health insurance
- accomondation


Arriving at Partner University
1. Enrolment at partner university and Confirmation of Registration
Before the study period starts the student has to enrol at the partner university. The partner university will inform the student about the neccessary steps. Plaese be aware that there might me a deadline for the enrolment at the partner university.

Additionally, the partner university has to sign the "Confirmation of Registration" for the student on the day of the arrival (or shortly after). Cornelia Marx ( from the International Office (finance department) needs this signed document as the funding is bound to the Confirmation of Registration.

2. Changes for the Learning Agreement
The Learning Agreement can be changed if neccessary. This can be the case if classes at the partner university are not available or overlapping. The signed and changed agreement can be sent to This document is important for the scholarship.


Before Going Home
The partner university has to sign the "Confirmation of Student Stay Abroad" at the end of the study period. The confirmation can be forwarded to Cornelia Marx ( and up to three weeks after the end of the stay.


Other Possibilities (Extension, Internships)
1. Extension
If students want to extend their Erasmus stay for another semester please contact the International Office of the Faculty ( to discuss the possibility of an extension. To add the summer semester as second semester abroad is often quite easy. To add a winter semester after a summer semester abroad is not possible without a new application.

If the Erasmus coordinator of the faculty agrees, a request for extension is officially submitted.

2. Internship
The stay abroad can be combinded with an internship. More information regarding internships are available at the webside of the Abteilung Internationales.


Final Documents - Back at the Home University
1. Second Language Test
Students can use the login information from the first language test and submit the second one. This needs to be done within three weeks after the stay abroad has ended. There will be no additional invitation via email. The second OLS language test is requested for the second payment.

2. Confirmation of Student Stay Abroad
Students can send the previously signed "Confirmation of Student Stay Abroad" to Cornelia Marx ( and the International Office of the faculty. The scholarship will be calculated to the day. The confirmation is important in order to receive the second payment.

3. Transcript of Records and Recognition of Courses
Students receive a Transcript of Records from the partner university which officially states all the passed classes and grades. With this document the student can submit a request for recognition ("Antrag auf Anrechnung/Anerkennung") to the examination board ("Prüfungsausschuss") of the department. The form which can be submitted to the examination board is page 6 in the Learning Agreement or the separate document "Anerkennungsnachweis".

3a) Please send the "Transcript of Records" plus additional accomplishments (language courses) to the International Office of the faculty (Büro für Internationales Studieren).

3b) Please send the "Transcript of Records" and the "Anerkennungsnachweis" to the Head of your examination board ("Prüfungsausschuss") - adding the Learning Agreement. Geography students please note: a mandatory consultation through the examination board is necessary before you request the recognition of your courses.

3c) The completely signed document for the course recognition should be sent to the International Office of the faculty. In some cases the examination board forwards the signed "recongnition document" directly to the Internatonal Office of the faculty.

4. Alumni Experience Report
All Erasmus students write an HU alumnie report and send it to the International Office of the faculty. This report shall help future Erasmus+ generations to prepare for their study stay abroad and help them to choose a fitting partner univerity.
There is also a small online survey from the EU. Student will receive an e-mail invitation for this survey.