Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät

Programme for R3 researchers

The PostDoc Center Adlershof is dedicated to support all postdocs, including those with an independent research programme and own budget (also known as "R3 established researchers" as per EU classification) in their career development. For the first time, we are offering a new format with the aim to specifically support the career development of R3 researchers.


The programme unites 10-12 R3 researchers which will benefit from a dedicated workshop programme focusing on topics such as strategic career planning in academia and leadership. In addition, monthly peer-coaching sessions will take place, during which the participants will be able to benefit from the experience and support of your peers. The whole programme will take place from September 2024 until July 2025 and will be free of charge for the participants thanks to the generous support of the Einstein Stiftung Berlin.




26.09.24 | 9-17h | Workshop "My academic career: Strategic planning" 🖉


What does it take to become a professor in my field? Where am I, what do I still need and how can I get there?

If you are working towards an academic career, you will benefit from a thorough analysis of your current port-folio. In this workshop, you will not only learn about the requirements and the steps to become a professor in general, but you will also analyse your profile in relation to the requirements in your field by comparing it with relevant role models. You will draw up an individual plan for becoming a professor and receive feedback on it from your peers. The focus of this workshop is on applying information about academic careers to your own situation.


Trainer: Dr. Christiane Kasack

Location: a:head area, Rudower Chaussee 24, 12489 Berlin


07.10.24 | 9-13h | Workshop "Leading yourself and others through complexity" 🖉


Learning Goals:
• Understand and apply an orienting process for gaining clarity in overwhelming, or simply complex, circumstances.
• Enhancing self-awareness and emotional intelligence for better self-leadership and more satisfying supervision experience

Content and Methods
You will explore the essentials of Nonviolent Communication as a guiding process to navigate complexity and lead to more clarity about our own and others’ needs and interests. The workshop will provide a well-balanced mix of self-assessment, reflection, peer practice elements, case studies and role-playing.


Trainer: Dr. Ulrike Schneeberg

Location: Zoom


06.11.24 | 9-13h | Workshop "The rules of the game – and how to enjoy them" 🖉


Learning Goals:
• Explore your wants and wishes for your current career phase and put it in relation to the reality of the dynamics of your group, department, institution and career field
• Identify written and unwritten “rules of the game” of being an R2 postdoctoral researcher and take an active stance towards them

Content and Methods
You will dedicate some time to reflect on your mid-term goals and how they align with your current role and responsibilities within the dynamics of your group, department, and institution. There will be facilitated space for discussing and exchanging best practice examples on navigating politics in research settings.


Trainer: Dr. Ulrike Schneeberg

Location: Zoom


05.12.24 | 9-13h | Workshop "Creating connection in difficult conversations" 🖉


Learning Goals:
• Develop skills to engage in and resolve difficult conversations effectively
• Apply principles of Nonviolent Communication to foster empathy and understanding

Content and Methods
Building on the foundation of Nonviolent Communication, we will practically examine mental and dialogical techniques that create and sustain connection between you and your conversation partner. You will learn strategies for staying calm and centred during stressful communication situations.


Trainer: Dr. Ulrike Schneeberg

Location: Zoom


14.01.25 | 9-13h | Workshop "Managing time and stress" 🖉


Learning Goals:
• Reframe what “stress” means in the context of research and to you personally
• Identify biggest individual “energy suckers”, time sinks, and blocks to managing time more effectively
• Develop a plan of how to replace an unwanted habit with a more beneficial one


Content and Methods
You will take a close look at how you manage time and stress in this phase of your postdoc, and evaluate different techniques and strategies according to their likelihood of working for you. The main focus will be on how you can leverage your habits to manage stress in a more healthy way.


Trainer: Dr. Ulrike Schneeberg

Location: Zoom