Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - SALSA School of Analytical Sciences Adlershof



The School of Analytical Sciences Adlershof, SALSA, is a Graduate School at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. It was established in 2012 in the framework of the German Excellence Inititative.

Analytical Sciences are at the core of many of today's fundamental and applied scientific problems and innovations. New insights into atomic and molecular processes in chemistry, soft matter physics, materials, and the life sciences have always been accompanied by new analytical methods and instruments.

In SALSA, analytical problem solving is taught and learned using an integrative and multidisciplinary approach in the doctoral research and the curriculum. As a doctoral student, you will be involved in these teaching and other activities of SALSA on Humboldt-Universität‘s modern science campus Adlershof.

SALSA develops its multidisciplinary research approach through three interconnected pairs of guiding themes, which encompass today's fundamental analytical questions: Limits & Scales, Sensitivity & Selectivity, and Make & Measure.



The classical analytical term limits centers on the extreme frontiers of analytical observation, while the scales theme connects our different levels of understanding. Significant improvements regarding sensitivity and selectivity are the natural driving force of Analytical Sciences. Make & Measure not only renounces analytical problem solving solely through instruments but embraces rational design of molecules and structures.