Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - SALSA School of Analytical Sciences Adlershof

People of SALSA




Doctoral Researchers and Post-Docs

Principal Investigators

Organizing Team

The faculty of SALSA comprises scientists from disciplines that include physics, analytical and physical chemistry, synthetic organic and inorganic chemistry, biology, statistics, and modeling, as well as didactics. The selection of PIs acknowledges the multidisciplinary character of the Analytical Sciences. Having a consortium with such broad background is important to address complex multidisciplinary scientific problems.

SALSA is a unique research location for doctoral research studies and, through its focus on the multidisciplinary character of Analytical Sciences, fills a gap in current teaching and research. Founded on the traditional strengths of German doctoral researcher training, SALSA is determined to establish comprehensive support, guidance, and mentoring previously unknown in Analytical Sciences. The first doctoral researchers started at SALSA in the summer semester of 2013.

If you want to become an associated member of SALSA, find out about our current call and apply with your project!