Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | Fakultäten & Institute | Lebenswissenschaftliche Fakultät | Wissenschaftliche Karriere | Promotion | Abschluss der Promotion | Promotionsverfahren | Termine für Promotionsverfahren Termine für Promotionsverfahren 29.11.2024 Reveyaz, Noémie: Trunk morphology and its representation in the elephant brain - Auslage und Einladung 04.12.2024 Ortlieb, Christin: "Free-living nematodes as potential vectors and reservoirs for human pathogens" - Auslage und Einladung 04.12.2024 Schwartz, Carmen: "ECOSYSTEM SERVICE ASSESSMENTS IN AGRICULTURAL LANDSCAPES. Implications for Research, Management and Planning" - Auslage und Einladung 05.12.2024 Soria, Audrey: Localization and Function of the Volume-Regulated Anion Channel in the Mouse Adrenal Gland - Einladung 05.12.2024 Fienitz, Meike: "Navigating disparate demands: An empirical study of land use conflicts in urban-rural fringe regions in northeast Germany" - Auslage und Einladung 13.12.2024 Geppert, Frauke: "Implementation and Evaluation of Nature Conservation Measures by Digital Farming Tools" - Auslage und Einladung 16.12.2024 Degutis, Jonas Karolis: "Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Visual Working Memory Maintenance" - Auslage und Einladung 17.12.2024 Welke, Robert-William: "Offering a New Perspective – Characterisation of Deubiquitinating Enzymes by Single Molecule Microscopy" - Einladung 18.12.2024 Saleh, Doaa: "Complex regulatory networks of virulence traits in Salmonella Typhimurium" - Auslage und Einladung 15.01.2025 Chidambaram, Shambhavi: "When and where: Choice behaviors of nectar-feeding bats in a spatially and temporally changing environment" - Einladung Weichenberger, Markus: "Frontiers of Perception: The neural correlates of infra- and ultrasound processing in the human brain" - Auslage Riedesel Freiherr zu Eisenbach, Ludwig: "The mutual impact of climate change and cereal production: Analyzing G x E x M interactions on crop-climate relations using Germany-wide on-farm and variety trial data over the last three decades" - Auslage
29.11.2024 Reveyaz, Noémie: Trunk morphology and its representation in the elephant brain - Auslage und Einladung
04.12.2024 Ortlieb, Christin: "Free-living nematodes as potential vectors and reservoirs for human pathogens" - Auslage und Einladung
04.12.2024 Schwartz, Carmen: "ECOSYSTEM SERVICE ASSESSMENTS IN AGRICULTURAL LANDSCAPES. Implications for Research, Management and Planning" - Auslage und Einladung
05.12.2024 Soria, Audrey: Localization and Function of the Volume-Regulated Anion Channel in the Mouse Adrenal Gland - Einladung
05.12.2024 Fienitz, Meike: "Navigating disparate demands: An empirical study of land use conflicts in urban-rural fringe regions in northeast Germany" - Auslage und Einladung
13.12.2024 Geppert, Frauke: "Implementation and Evaluation of Nature Conservation Measures by Digital Farming Tools" - Auslage und Einladung
16.12.2024 Degutis, Jonas Karolis: "Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Visual Working Memory Maintenance" - Auslage und Einladung
17.12.2024 Welke, Robert-William: "Offering a New Perspective – Characterisation of Deubiquitinating Enzymes by Single Molecule Microscopy" - Einladung
18.12.2024 Saleh, Doaa: "Complex regulatory networks of virulence traits in Salmonella Typhimurium" - Auslage und Einladung
15.01.2025 Chidambaram, Shambhavi: "When and where: Choice behaviors of nectar-feeding bats in a spatially and temporally changing environment" - Einladung
Weichenberger, Markus: "Frontiers of Perception: The neural correlates of infra- and ultrasound processing in the human brain" - Auslage
Riedesel Freiherr zu Eisenbach, Ludwig: "The mutual impact of climate change and cereal production: Analyzing G x E x M interactions on crop-climate relations using Germany-wide on-farm and variety trial data over the last three decades" - Auslage