Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | Fakultäten & Institute | Lebenswissenschaftliche Fakultät | Wissenschaftliche Karriere | Promotion | Abschluss der Promotion | Promotionsverfahren | Psychologie Psychologie 19.02.2025 Kunz, Lea Katharina: "Not that double-edged after all? Investigating the effects of technology-assisted supplemental work on well-being and work engagement" - Auslage und Einladung kunzausl kunzeinl 21.02.2025 Bauditz, Sophie Charlotte: "Integrating Structural and Process Approaches to Narcissism: Examining State-Trait Relations and Person-Situation Transactions in an Experimental Context" - Auslage und Einladung buaditzausl bauditzeinl 17.02.2025 Constant Marika: "Examining the Role of Priors in Perceptual Confidence" - Auslage und Einladung constantausl constanteinl 04.03.2025 Witte, Katja: "Motivating Moments: An Examination of the Relation Between Situation Perception and Achievement Motivation States" - Auslage und Einladung witteausl witteeinl
19.02.2025 Kunz, Lea Katharina: "Not that double-edged after all? Investigating the effects of technology-assisted supplemental work on well-being and work engagement" - Auslage und Einladung
21.02.2025 Bauditz, Sophie Charlotte: "Integrating Structural and Process Approaches to Narcissism: Examining State-Trait Relations and Person-Situation Transactions in an Experimental Context" - Auslage und Einladung
17.02.2025 Constant Marika: "Examining the Role of Priors in Perceptual Confidence" - Auslage und Einladung
04.03.2025 Witte, Katja: "Motivating Moments: An Examination of the Relation Between Situation Perception and Achievement Motivation States" - Auslage und Einladung