Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Faculty of Life Sciences

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | Faculties & Departments | Faculty of Life Sciences | Scientific career | Doctorate | During the doctorate | Events | 29.11.2023 Virtual PhD Stammtisch at the Faculty of Life Sciences

29.11.2023 Virtual PhD Stammtisch at the Faculty of Life Sciences

The doctoral candidate meetup (Stammtisch) at the Faculty of Life Sciences is a great opportunity to connect with other doctoral candidates, establish new contacts, and share your experiences, ideas, and challenges during your doctoral journey. Also students interested in pursuing a doctorate are cordially invited, as they can engage with experienced doctoral students and gain insights into the life of a doctoral candidate.


Here are the details for the Stammtisch:

  • Date: 29 November 2023
  • Time: 8 pm
  • Location: (virtual meeting space)


To receive the access link, just send a short message to the following e-mail address: