Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - SALSA School of Analytical Sciences Adlershof

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | Faculties & Departments | SALSA School of Analytical Sciences Adlershof | News | The Joint Science Conference confirms the extension of Scientific Education Pacts



Ground-breaking decisions for the German scientific community: The Joint Science Conference confirms the extension of Scientific Education Pacts


On October 30th, the Joint Science Conference agreed to extend the Higher Education Pact, the German Research Foundation funding, and the Pact for Research and Innovation until the year 2020. This decision will allow the above mentioned joint Federal-Länder programmes access to an additional €25.3 billion funding, and furthermore enable 760,000 more students access to Higher Education than was the case in 2005.

--> Article at Joint Science Conference (GWK) - Press Release

--> Statement of GWK chairwoman Prof. Dr. Johanna Wanka, Bundesministerin für Bildung und Forschung



Statement from HU President Prof. Dr. Jan-Hendrik Olbertz


“I emphatically welcome the Joint Science Conference’s decision on the future of the Excellence Initiative and the Pact for Research and Innovation. Above all, the guarantee of future funding through co-financing from the Länder and the extension of the Higher Education Pact until 2020, will ensure institutions have the necessary financial outlook to plan ahead effectively, albeit with a future level of funding which is not entirely adequate.”

“In addition I approve of the strong emphasis on the quality of teaching in the Higher Education Pact, for example by taking into account the success rate of students”, explained HU-President Prof. Dr. Jan-Hendrik Olbertz.

However in light of these modifications to the Excellence Initiative, the planned time period must also be adjusted. According to Olbertz, to renew the tender only in 2017 would be too late to allow a punctual start for future or follow up projects for the funding of such top-quality research. In his opinion, a more timely solution must be found.


Background Information

On October 30th in Berlin, the Joint Science Conference (GWK) agreed to extend the Higher Education Pact, the German Research Foundation funding, and the Pact for Research and innovation, until the year 2020.

With regard to the Excellence Initiative, a press release stated, “The Joint Science Conference (GWK) (at their 11.December 2014 meeting) recommends the heads of the federal and Länder governments to adopt a resolution on a new initiative between the federal government and the Länder before the end of the year. This initiative would make projects and new initiatives possible for higher education institutions, and would also open up possibilities for further development and long-term structured future prospects for successful projects of the Excellence Initiative.”

--> HU press release



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