Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - SALSA School of Analytical Sciences Adlershof


All talks and the panel discussion will take place in room 0'119 in the Erwin-Schrödinger-Zentrum and are open to the public. The poster session and the get-together will be held in the SALSA building. You can find more information on the locations under venue.

Friday, October 25th , 2019

09:00 Registration
09:30 Welcome

"Time-Resolved Serial Synchrotron Crystallography (TR-SSX) using fixed targets in combination with photocaged compounds"
Henrike Müller-Werkmeister (University of Potsdam)

"Elemental Mass Spectrometry towards single cell analysis"
Maria Montes-Bayón (Universidad Oviedo)

10:45 Coffee break

"Exploring atomic structure and localized electronic excitations with fast electrons"
Christoph Koch (HU Berlin)

"May the force be with you - in situ investigation of mechanochemical reactions"
Franziska Emmerling (Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing BAM)

12:15 Lunch break

"Block copolymer template-directed synthesis of well-ordered composite nanostructures"
Yan Lu (Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin)


Research in the SALSA application labs I

"Shedding light onto high-fired medieval gypsum mortars”
Thomas Schmid (SALSA, BAM)

"From plasmon-enhanced spectroscopy to plasmon-driven chemistry"
Radwan Mohamed (SALSA alumnus, Universität Potsdam)

"Unravelling plant silification - Using spectroscopy to discriminate between phytolith types"
Victor Rodriguez (SALSA)

14:45 Coffee break

Research in the SALSA application labs II

"Non-destructive elemental depth profiling of nanolayered structures with XRF – A novel analytical tool for the laboratory?!"
Jonas Baumann (SALSA alumnus, TU Berlin)

"Mass Spectrometric Imaging for the Analysis of Drugs in Biological Tissues"
Sabrina Trog (SALSA alumna, Berlin Chemie)

"Probing pulmonary surfactant model system using a label-free analytical tool"
Freeda Yesudas (SALSA)


"Magnetization Dynamics in the Light of Pulsed X-Ray Sources"
Jan Lüning (Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin)

17:00 Poster session
18:00     Get-together with dinner

Saturday, October 26th , 2019


"Sugars in the Gas Phase - From Structure to Reaction Mechanisms"
Kevin Pagel (FU Berlin)

"Interfacial molecular structures from nonlinear vibrational spectroscopy"
Zsuzsanna Heiner (SALSA)

"Analytical Challenges in the Chemical Industry"

Martin Wende (BASF)

"Ultrafast career development and molecular dynamics"
Elena Pavlenko (SALSA alumna, University of Cambridge)

"Mass Spectrometry in Biomarker Quantification"
Ioana Abbas (SALSA alumna, Boehringer-Ingelheim)

"Mechanochemistry: a novel approach to synthesis of coordination polymers and valorization of carbon dioxide"
Abdal-Azim Al-Terkawi (SALSA alumnus, Université de Montpellier)

12:15 Lunch break

"Nanoparticles, waste water, ICP-TOFMS and other news"
Detlef Günther (ETH Zürich)

13:45 Impact and perspectives of Analytical Sciences: Graduate education and beyond
Panel discussion
15:00 Closing remarks