Thomas Schmid's complete list of publications can be found here: ORCID profile (0000-0001-9708-931X).
Journal Covers

C. Abad et al.
JAAS 33(12) (2018).

T. Schmid et al.
JRS 50(8) (2019).
Special Issue
T. Schmid, P. Dariz
Special Issue of Minerals (2020).
Publication List of the Application Lab (2017–2021)
(bold names: SALSA fellows or staff)
P. Dariz, T. Schmid, Ferruginous phases in 19th century lime and cement mortars: A Raman microspectroscopic study, Mater. Charact. 129 (2017) 2–17.
B. Neuhaus, T. Schmid, J. Riedel, Collection management and study of microscope slides: Storage, profiling, deterioration, restoration procedures, and general recommendations, Zootaxa 4322 (2017) 1–173.
P. Dariz, C. Jakob, D. Ectors, J. Neubauer, T. Schmid, Measuring the burning temperatures of anhydrite micrograins in a high-fired medieval gypsum mortar, ChemistrySelect 2 (2017) 9153–9156.
M. Rühlmann, D. Büchele, M. Ostermann, I. Bald, T. Schmid, Challenges in the quantification of nutrients in soils using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy – A case study with calcium, Spectrochim. Acta B 146 (2018) 115–121.
C. Abad, S. Florek, H. Becker-Ross, M.-D. Huang, A. Guilherme Buzanich, M. Radtke, A. Lippitz, V.-D. Hodoroaba, T. Schmid, H.-J. Heinrich, S. Recknagel, N. Jakubowski, U. Panne, Zirconium permanent modifiers for graphite furnaces used in absorption spectrometry: understanding their structure and mechanism of action, J. Anal. At. Spectrom. 33 (2018) 2034.
P. Dariz, T. Schmid, Temperaturindikatoren in mittelalterlichen Hochbrandgipsen – Eine Ramanmikrospektroskopische Studie, ZKK Zeitschrift für Kunsttechnologie und Konservierung 32(1) (2018) 69-78.
A. Yadav, R. M. Iost, T. J. Neubert, S. Baylan, T. Schmid, K. Balasubramanian, Selective electrochemical functionalization of the graphene edge, Chem. Sci. 10 (2019) 936.
P. Dariz, T. Schmid, Phase composition and burning history of high-fired medieval gypsum mortars studied by Raman microspectroscopy, Mater. Charact. 151 (2019) 292–301.
R. M. Sarhan, W. Koopman, R. Schuetz, T. Schmid, F. Liebig, J. Koetz, M. Bargheer, The importance of plasmonic heating for the plasmondriven photodimerization of 4-nitrothiophenol, Sci. Rep. 9 (2019) 3060.
T. Schmid, R. Jungnickel, P. Dariz, Raman band widths of anhydrite II reveal the burning history of high-fired medieval gypsum mortars, J. Raman Spectrosc. 50 (2019) 1154-1168.
T. Schmid, P. Dariz, Raman microspectroscopic imaging of binder remnants in historical mortars reveals processing conditions, Heritage 2 (2019) 1662-1683.
B. Bhattacharya, A. A. L. Michalchuk, D. Silbernagl, M. Rautenberg, T. Schmid, T. Feiler, K. Reimann, A. Ghalgaoui, H. Sturm, B. Paulus, F. Emmerling, A mechanistic perspective on plastically flexible coordination polymers, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 59 (2020) 5557-5561.
T. Schmid, R. Jungnickel, P. Dariz, Insights into the CaSO4–H2O system: A Raman-spectroscopic study, Minerals 10 (2020) 115.
A. Zettner, A. B. Gojani, T. Schmid, I. B. Gornushkin, Evaluation of a Spatial Heterodyne Spectrometer for Raman Spectroscopy of Minerals, Minerals 10 (2020) 202.
T. Schmid, P. Dariz, Editorial for the Special Issue “Modern Raman spectroscopy of minerals”, Minerals 10 (2020) 860.
P. Dariz, T. Schmid, Trace compounds in Early Medieval Egyptian blue carry information on provenance, manufacture, application, and ageing, Scientific Reports 11 (2021) 11296.
P. Dariz, T. Schmid, Spurenbestandteile in frühmittelalterlichem Ägyptisch Blau als Informationsträger, ZKK Zeitschrift für Kunsttechnologie und Konservierung 34 (2021) 109-122.
T. Schmid, R. Kraft, P. Dariz, Shedding light onto the spectra of lime—Part 2: Raman spectra of Ca and Mg carbonates and the role of d-block element luminescence, J. Raman Spectrosc. 52 (2021) 1462-1472.
T. Schmid, J. Hidde, S. Grünier, R. Jungnickel, P. Dariz, J. Riedel, B. Neuhaus, Ageing Effects in Mounting Media of Microscope Slide Samples from Natural History Collections: A Case Study with Canada Balsam and PermountTM, Polymers 13 (2021) 2112.
Editorial Work:
T. Schmid, P. Dariz (Invited Special Issue Guest Editors), Modern Raman spectroscopy of Minerals, Minerals (2020).