Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Faculty of Life Sciences


The Graduate Centre Life Sciences is a service facility for all current and prospective doctoral candidates at the Faculty of Life Sciences. It offers information on the admission to doctoral studies, further education, networking and counselling during the doctoral study period.

The Graduate Centre Life Sciences is the contact point for all current and prospective doctoral candidates at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin in Agricultural Science, Biology, Biophysics, Horticultural Science and Psychology.

The doctoral office of the Faculty of Life Sciences is responsible for all administrative matters related to your doctorate. The subject administrators are responsible for processing applications for admission, initiation of the doctoral degree procedure and, if necessary, applications to prolong the standard period of study. They are the point of contact for doctoral candidates and supervisor for all formalities of the doctorate.


General information:

Please contact the staff of the doctoral office primarily by e-mail and send forms and applications in advance as a scan (in one PDF).

If you apply for the opening of your doctoral procedure, please submit your thesis and the related documents separately in one PDF each. Then submit the printed copies and the original documents as soon as possible.

We will only send documents such as admission letters and certificates by post or e-mail.


Since 11 October 2023, all doctoral procedures shall be opened according to the doctoral degree regulations of 10 October 2022. This does not apply to the procedures of those of you who have informed us by 10 October 2023 that you wish to do your doctorate according to the regulations under which you were admitted (PO 2022, § 22 Para. 3).



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