Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - SALSA School of Analytical Sciences Adlershof



School of Analytical Sciences Adlershof


SALSA, the Graduate School of Analytical Sciences Adlershof, was established at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin in 2012 within the framework of the German Excellence Initiative. The program offers support for junior researchers (doctoral students and postdocs) by funding collaborative research and promoting multidisciplinary exchange that connects different fields of natural sciences.




Click here to view upcoming events!


September 10-12, 2025: 'Make and Measure: Interfaces 2025'

Save the date for this year's Make and Measure: Interfaces conference organised by SALSA. Details will follow!


December 11-12, 2024: 'Leading The Leader' Workshop with Dr. Matteo Garavoglia



Register via by November 11,2024!

📍 School of Analytical Sciences Adlershof

   Albert-Einstein-Str. 5-9, 1.OG Room 218

   12489 Berlin-Adlershof


November 12, 2024Congratulations to SALSA Fellow Dane Letourneau on His Successful PhD Defense


We congratulate Dane Letourneau who successfully defended his PhD thesis titled "Custom Open-Source Software Tools for Targeted and Untargeted Analysis of High Resolution Mass Spectrometry Data and Characterization of Lignin", on November 12, 2024.



November 11-14, 2024: Best Oral Presentation Award for SALSA Fellow Yanan Sun


SALSA Fellow Dr. Yanan Sun won the award for the best oral presentation at the International Conference on Sodium Batteries that was held in Richmond, WA, USA from November 11-14, 2024. Yanan presented her research results on sodium ion batteries that was also supported by her SALSA short term fellowship. Congratulations, Yanan!



October 30, 2024: Congratulations to SALSA Fellow Anastasia Alexandridou on Her Successful PhD Defense


We are delighted to announce that Anastasia has successfully defended her PhD thesis, titled "Development of novel analytical methods for vitamin D metabolites analysis in biological matrices based on mass spectrometry – Derivatization strategies and LC-MS/MS method development", on October 30, 2024.



Review of Make and Measure 2024: Interfaces



Make and Measure 2024: Interfaces, took place from 11-13 September 2024 and was a huge success. This year's conference explored the chemistry and physics behind interfaces and their many applications in the broad field of analytical sciences. From nanomaterials, reaction spaces and biosensors to the different ways of understanding such systems through unique characterisation experiments, theory and synthesis.


We would like to thank this year's speakers Eric Bakker, Claire Donnelly, Jana Kalbáčová Vejpravová, Bettina Keller, Michael Hope, Ingo Manke, Liana C. Silva, Miriam Unterlass and Lisa Vaccari for their insightful talks which led to lively discussions. Thank you also to all participants and attendees for contributing to the success of Make and Measure 2024. Stay tuned for updates on next year's event.


Link to Photos


Photos by Daniel Pasche


Link to Program!



June 27, 2024: Lecture with Prof. Dr. Adam Mechler


Prof. Dr. Adam Mechler gave an interesting talk entitled 'Playing with the molecular LEGO: a path towards bioinspired functional materials'. He described how oligoamides are formed from 3-substituted β-amino acids and how they form stable helices through a self-assembly process, leading to hierarchical materials with tunable properties. These materials, which have unique structural and functional properties, offer potential applications in areas such as non-Newtonian fluids, smart coatings and molecular electronics.


Link to abstract, click here.



June 13, 2024: Workshop for Visual Communication in Science


Friends and members of SALSA participated in a workshop for visual communication in science by Dr. Jernej Zupanc. They learned how to create exceptional graphs, figures or TOCs (table of contents) and acquired the skills to structure and visualise messages so that they can be easily understood and targeted to different audiences. More information on the workshop is available at



April 17, 2024: Institute of Chemistry Colloquium with Prof. Dr. Mischa Bonn (Organised by SALSA)



Prof. Dr. Mischa Bonn gave an interesting talk entitled 'A molecular view of water and interfaces'. The talk explored water interfaces, which differ from the bulk in both their physical structure and chemical composition. The complex dynamics of charges and hydrogen-bonded networks at water interfaces were discussed, which are key to understanding phenomena such as on-water chemistry. The use of femtosecond laser-based techniques for the precise characterisation of the outermost water monolayer and the study of interfacial ion distribution and chemical dynamics with surface specific vibrational spectroscopy were discussed.


Link to abstract, click here.



April 11, 2024: Kick-Off Meeting with the New SALSA-Fellows  
SALSA welcomed its latest fellows with a meeting to introduce the SALSA Graduate School and discuss plans for the upcoming semester. This marks the beginning of a new round of projects within SALSA that will encourage networking and the exchange of knowledge between its members.


March 11-13, 2024: QUASAR/Orange Data Analysis Workshop at BESSY II  


Friends and members of SALSA participated in a three day QUASAR/Orange data analysis workshop at BESSY II in collaboration with HZB and SALSA. The workshop was led by Ferenc Borondics, an infrared beamline manager at SOLEIL, France, and Marko Toplak from the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. Participants gained better insight to their data through interactive data treatment and visualisation, powerful machine learning methods and combining different datasets in easy-to-understand visual workflows.



February 21-22, 2024: English Writing Course


Friends and members of SALSA attended an English writing course with Dr. Jeffrey Verhey. Over the course of two days, the task of writing was made a little less daunting by an introduction to what it takes to write and publish a scientific paper in English.


Feel free to join Dr. Jeffrey Verhey's writing group every second friday in Adlershof.



January 18, 2024: Wiley Publication Workshop 


Friends and members of SALSA participated in a workshop entitled "Opening the Editor's Black Box: Insider Tips for Successful Submissions" led by Dr. Nicole Harrington-Frost, Senior Associate Editor at Angewandte Chemie, EurJOC, and Dr. Anne Nijs, Editor-in-Chief of EurJOC. The workshop provided valuable insights into correct scientific writing, peer review methods and ethical considerations in publishing.


December 19, 2023: Have a Look at the Workshops Offered by SALSA Early in 2024


SALSA will start into the New Year with several events and workshops, namely a Publication workshop, an English Writing Course, and a three-day interactive workshop on Orange/Quasar software, a "must" for everyone working with spectroscopy data, organized together with IRIS beamline at HZB.

More Details


December 19, 2023: Another SALSA Call for Short-Term Research Projects on "Interfaces"


Until the 31st of January, 2024, SALSA will be accepting short-term research grants to support collaborative projects to be carried out by junior (doctoral and postdoctoral) researchers in the area of “Make and Measure” based at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (HU). The projects must foster collaboration between the departments of HU as well as with other universities and research institutions. The junior researchers will be associated fellows of SALSA. The thematic focus of this call is on interfaces in a very broad sense.

More Details


October 27, 2023: Best Presentation Award for Our Fellow Dr. Tilmann Neubert at the "Peptide Materials 2023" Conference in Sorrent, Italy


Congratulations to our postdoctoral fellow Dr. Tilmann Neubert, whose presentation was selected as the "best oral contribution among Postdocs and PhD students" at the "Sorrento 2013 – Sorrento 2023: A Decade of Peptide Materials" Conference. Tilmann gave a talk on his research with the title "The peptide is the key: Mussel-inspired pressure-sensitive adhesives". This work is part of his 2023 SALSA short-term research project.


Photos by Prof. Dr. Hans Börner


Review of Make and Measure 2023: Interfaces

Interfaces are critical in many important, even everyday, applications, ranging from surface functionalization chemistry, electrochemistry, heterogeneous catalysis to complex biological systems.


Make and Measure 2023: Interfaces, held from September 13th to 15th, 2023, was a huge success. The Event addressed current interface-related challenges, introduced new analytical approaches to tackle these challenges and encouraged interdisciplinary discussions. Esteemed speakers, including Joshua Edel, Csilla Gergely, Magalí Lingenfelder, and Matthew Meyer, gave insightful talks that led to engaging discussions. 


The winners of the flash talk awards were:


1. Dr. Tilmann Neubert

2. Anastasia Alexandridou

3. Lars Dannenberg


Photo by Daniel Pasche


Thank you to all participants, speakers, and attendees for contributing to the success of Make and Measure 2023. Stay tuned for updates on next year's event.


Link to Photos


Photos by Daniel Pasche


Tag der Chemie on July 5, 2023

This year, Nordostchemie's Tag der Chemie is taking place at Freie Universität Berlin on July 5, 2023, with speakers from the Berlin and Potsdam universities. One of the invited talks is presented by Dr. Zsuzsanna Heiner from SALSA's Photonics Lab. More information



May 10, 2023: Prof. Dr. Alexandre G. Brolo (Department of Chemistry, University of Victoria, Canada) visited HU

Alexandre Brolo gave a seminar in the Chemistry Department on "Surface enhanced Raman scattering quantification at ultra-low concentrations". The Brolo group works in the area of spectroscopy of interfacial processes at metallic surfaces that play a pivotal role in several areas, including heterogeneous catalysis, energy conversion/batteries, medical devices, sustainable technologies, and many others. Their research program involves the preparation of nanostructured materials, the fundamental investigation of the interfaces and applications.


April 3, 2023: Welcome our new SALSA fellows

SALSA welcomes Anastasia Alexandridou, Nikita Gugin, Harshita Singh, Lars Dannenberg, Emil Fuhry, A.K.S. Kumar, Carlos Sanchez, Marco Kapitzke, Tilmann Neubert, Robert Jungnickel, Isabell Wachta, Katherine Mazzio, and Maximilian Schütze as new fellows! Come to meet them and learn about their short-term research projects at the Kick-Off workshop on April 18!


March 21, 2023: Read about SALSA Fellow Dalia Morcillo's Research Project at CalTech

Dalia Morcillo, associated SALSA Fellow, returned from her 4-month research stay at CalTech in February. Read more about her experiences here.


March 14, 2023: Prof. Dr. Kallol Ray Joins SALSA as a Principal Investigator

SALSA warmly welcomes Prof. Dr. Kallol Ray as our new PI (Principal Investigator).


February 7, 2023: Congratulations to SALSA Fellow Jonas Geisler

Jonas Geisler, associated SALSA Fellow, successfully defended his dissertation "Online gas analysis of electrochemical reactions" on the 7th of February. Congratulations!

















Photo: Werner Bachmeier



January 25, 2023: New SALSA call for short-term research projects on "Interfaces"

Until 17 March, 2023, SALSA will be accepting short-term research grants to support collaborative projects to be carried out by junior (doctoral and postdoctoral) researchers in the area of “Make and Measure” based at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (HU). The projects must foster collaboration between the departments of HU as well as with other universities and research institutions. The junior researchers will be associated fellows of SALSA.

The thematic focus of this call is on interfaces in a very broad sense. Topics may include, for example,
• the study and advanced characterization of interfaces in biological and materials chemistry
• the development of methods that deliver new information or provide improved spatial or temporal resolution from interfaces
• novel reaction spaces involving interfaces, reaction compartments or chemical reactions under confinement
• the preparation and modification of surfaces and interfaces for analytical applications
• new theoretical or computational approaches for addressing the topics above.

Details here



December 21, 2022

At the end of another extraordinary year, we would like to thank everyone for the scientific and organizational cooperation, the participation in our boards and the active participation in the activities of SALSA in the past months.

The wonderful "Make and Measure 2022", which finally took place again after two years, became a special event in the SALSA year 2022 thanks to the participation of everyone.
We were relieved about the successful evaluation, securing the next five years of the SALSA program, a major effort last Spring, which could only succeed through the active participation of fellows, alumni, PI, institutes and department administration.




October 14, 2022: Seminar by Prof. Bayden Wood, Monash University

HZB-BESSY and SALSA co-hosted a seminar by Prof. Bayden Wood, PhD, from Monash University Center for Biospectroscopy (Clayton, Australia), on Applications of portable spectroscopic modalities for disease diagnosis, with on site participants as well as participants in hybrid mode.


September 15-17, 2022

SALSA's latest Make and Measure took place from the 15th through the 17th of September, 2022.

The winners of the flash talk awards were

Dalia Morcillo,

Anika Retzmann,

Michail Ioannis Chronakis, and Josefine Sprachmann.

















Photo: Pasche, HU




July 18, 2022: Workshop on Visual Communication 

Doctoral and postdoctoral fellows and faculty of SALSA and its partner institutions met for a workshop with Jernej Zupanc of Seyens Ltd. During a day of intense training, they learned about efficient visual communication and presentation of their research projects.

Everyone enjoyed the first training that was held on-site after a long time!


Photo: Janina Kneipp                                                                      Photo: Seyens Ltd.  




June 1, 2022: Poster Award for SALSA Fellow at CSI XLII 2022

SALSA Fellow Dalia Morcillo Garcia-Morato wins the best poster award at Colloquium Spectroscopicum Internationale XLII in Gijón. Dalia presented a poster on her work on atomic absorption spectroscopy of lithium isotopes and machine learning.

Photo: Dalia Morcillo Garcia-Morato



New paper on plant multimodal imaging features work from SALSA Application Lab


In recent work by two collaborating groups in SALSA, scanning electron microscopy done in SALSA's Application Lab and fluorescence microscopy were combined with Raman and infrared microspectroscopy to visualize and evaluate the differences in chemical composition between different leaf tissues of sorghum plants. The vibrational spectra reveal the chemical composition of silicified structures and the connection between lignin structure and tissue fluorescence in situ. The study is part of the extensive collaboration of researchers in Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Prof. Rivka Elbaum) and HU. The main author of the work is SALSA graduate Victor Rodriguez Zancajo.

The full article can be read here.




SALSA's last Make and Measure took place on September 16-18, 2021

It was titled Make and Measure ... and Machines, and it was a great success once again.

Congratulations to the winners of the poster session:


Jonas Geisler

Christian Heinekamp

Jennifer Langenhan




May 28th, 2021: Research Article "Trace Compounds in Early Medieval Egyptian Blue Carry Information on Provenance, Manufacture, Application, and Ageing" by Petra Dariz and Thomas Schmid (SALSA Application Lab) published in the Nature Research Journal Scientific Reports

Petra Dariz and Thomas Schmid identified Egyptian blue on an Early Medieval mural fragment from the church St. Peter above Gratsch (South Tyrol, Northern Italy). The first artificial pigment of mankind can be synthesised by heating a raw material mixture consisting of quartz sand, limestone, copper ore and a flux (soda or plant ash) to about 950°C.

Extensive Raman microspectroscopic imaging as a new analytical approach to Egyptian blue shed light onto a plethora of 28 different minerals down to trace levels. Inclusion of knowledge from neighbouring disciplines made possible to read out the information about the type and provenance of the raw materials, synthesis and application of the pigment and ageing of the paint layer preserved in the trace components, and thus to reconstruct the individual "biography" of the Egyptian blue from St. Peter. In conjunction with archaeological evidences for the manufacture of Egyptian blue and the concordant statements of the antique Roman writers Vitruvius and Pliny the Elder, natural impurities of the quartz sand speak for a pigment produced at the northern Phlegrean Fields near Naples (Campania, Southern Italy). Furthermore, indicators for a sulphidic copper ore (instead of often-mentioned metallic copper or bronze) and plant ash as flux in the raw material mixture were found. Comparable Raman microscopic analyses of Egyptian blue in Roman and Medieval wall paintings and of pigment spheres could finally provide a sound scientific evidence for the assumed manufacturing monopoly surviving over centuries after the fall of the Western Roman Empire.

The study was published in Scientific Reports.

Read the press release published by Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin for more details.

Congratulations to Petra and Thomas!




May 21, 2021: SALSA PI and co-speaker elected as a Fellow of the European Academy of Sciences (EURASC)

Janina Kneipp was named a Fellow of the European Academy of Sciences (EURASC). EURASC is a fully independent international association of distinguished scholars that aims to recognize and elect to its membership the best European scientists with a vision for Europe as a whole, transcending national borders both in elections and in actions, and with the aims of strengthening European science and scientific cooperation.



May 12th, 2021 at 5 p.m. : Online Lecture From Sea Urchins to Catalysts – Bio-Inspired Concepts Toward Mesoscale Architectures in Functional Inorganic Materials by Anna S. Schenk (Universität Bayreuth)  

We are happy to announce an online lecture on Wednesday, the 12th of May, 2021 at 5p.m.
by Anna S. Schenk (Universität Bayreuth)

From Sea Urchins to Catalysts – Bio-Inspired Concepts Toward Mesoscale Architectures in Functional Inorganic Materials

Despite drawing on a limited pool of available elements, nature has developed sophisticated mechanisms to fabricate nanostructured minerals under environmental conditions. Biominerals characteristically represent organic/inorganic composite materials with hierarchical organization spanning multiple length scales, where these complex architectures often lead to astounding (mechanical) properties adapted to suit a specific function. Unsurprisingly, the study of biominerals has therefore inspired a substantial body of research activities, which are aiming to transfer key concepts of biological mineralization, e.g. the use of structure-directing organic matrices and confined reaction environments, into artificial systems. This approach is particularly exciting in view of low-temperature synthetic routes for the preparation of technologically relevant materials showing inherent functional properties (e.g. optical, electronic or catalytic).


For the Zoom link, please contact the SALSA team: salsa[at]





March 2021: SALSA Announces a New Call for Associated Doctoral Fellows 

To continue its successful work in bringing together young researchers in the field of Analytical Sciences of HU and its partner institutions on our campus, the Graduate School of Analytical Sciences Adlershof (SALSA) will support a new group of SALSA Fellows. Emphasis will be put on research dealing with the advanced characterization of materials, ranging from inorganic to biomaterials with various functions and purposes.

More information




February 2021: Chemistry Europe Launches Analysis & Sensing 

In January 2021, Chemistry Europe, an association of 16 chemical societies from 15 European countries has launched the new journal Analysis & Sensing, a quality multidisciplinary forum for the latest developments across the broad fields of analytical sciences and sensors. The Editorial Advisory Board of the new journal is co-chaired by Janina Kneipp (SALSA), together with Ron Heeren (Universiteit Maastricht) and Jianghong Rao (Stanford University). SALSA is further represented by the principal investigators Maria Montes-Bayón (University of Oviedo) as member of the EAB, and Zsuzsanna Heiner and Henrike Müller-Werkmeister as members of the Early Career Advisory Board of the journal.

The Editorial of the very first issue by Jonathan Faiz can be found here.




SALSA's Make and Measure 2020 took place online on 15-17 October


In 2020, "Make and Measure" focused on the "Advanced Characterization of Materials" with members, guests and friends of SALSA in discussion sessions, invited presentations and individual exchange. On the occasion of our annual meeting, we also welcomed new associated SALSA fellows from this summer's new SALSA call, and we took the chance to initiate a dedicated collaboration in graduate research in Adlershof together with "Berlin Research 50" (BR50). 

One of the highlights of Make and Measure 2020 was the poster flash and presentation. The poster prize winners were:

1. Tilmann Neubert (SALSA):

    Faradaic Effects in Electrochemically Gated Graphene Field Effect Sensors

2. Soraya Höfs (BAM):

    Immunomagnetic Ochratoxin A Assay with Smartphone-Based Amperometric Detection

3. Michel Werhold (SALSA):

    Graphene Sandwich Assembly for Sensing and Electrocatalysis


Take a look at this video, which shows a selection of the poster flash video presentations:




June 2020: SALSA Welcomes Four New Associated Fellows (Call 9) and Four New PIs


We are pleased to welcome Adelina-Elisa Dinter, Arpad Dusa, Jonas Geisler, and Dane Letourneau as new associated SALSA fellows, and Philipp Adelhelm, Zsuzsanna Heiner, Henrike Müller-Werkmeister, and Julia Stähler as new SALSA PIs. 



02.03.2020: A look back at 2019

In 2019 we at SALSA celebrated seven successful years of research and graduate education in Analytical Sciences with our annual Make and Measure symposium. Following the tradition of previous Make and Measure conferences, we invited speakers from different analytical fields. In addition, SALSA PI, fellows and alumni presented the successful research that has been going on in the groups contributing to SALSA and in our Application Labs. During a fruitful panel discussion, the impact and perspectives of Analytical Sciences in the graduate education but also in other fields were discussed.


Another 12 SALSA fellows graduated in 2019. Three of them graduated with summa cum laude and nine with magna cum laude. Congratulations to all of them!


In 2020, we will continue our work within the new framework at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.


03.12.2019: Best poster award for SALSA 7th cohort Fellows Tom Lindtner and Victor Manuel Rodriguez Zancajo!

Our 7th cohort Fellows Tom Lindtner and Victor Manuel Rodriguez Zancajo won the best poster prize at the workshop “FTIR Spectroscopy in Microbiological and Medical Diagnostics” held on October 10-11, in Berlin for their collaborative poster "FTIR Microspectroscopy of Organic and Inorganic Components of Plant Cells".

20.09.2019: IRIS Adlershof inivtes to its this year's symposium October 24th, 2019

On October 24th IRIS Adlershof will have its this year symposium. It will take place from 9:00 to 19:30 in the Erwin-Schrödinger-Zentrum in Adlershof. The symposium focusses on the advancements of IRIS Adlershof especially in the fields of 2D-based Heterostructures, Data Science, Energy Conversion and Emerging Fields. For more information visit the website of IRIS Adlershof.

09.09.2019: SALSA represented at Euroanalysis 2019 in Istanbul

The contributions by SALSA fellows Gergő Péter Szekeres, Öznur Aglar, and Ander Chapartegui at Euroanalysis XX conference, held from September 1-5, 2019 in Istanbul, Turkey, were a great success: Gergő Péter Szekeres received the Elsevier Young Scientist Oral Presentation Award (1st place) for his talk on "The protein corona composition sheds light on the fate of intracellular gold nanoparticles". Öznur Aglar and Ander Chapartegui received poster awards for their poster titled "Preparation and binding studies with the START Domain of the Ceramide Transfer Protein (CERT) via Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR)" and "Covalently fluorophore functionalized ZIF-8 colloidal particles as a sensing platform for endocrine disrupting chemicals such as phthalates plasticizers", respectively.

SALSA PI Prof. Maria Montes Bayon and SALSA Fellows Gergo Peter Szekeres, Öznur Aglar and Ander Chapartegui (left to right) at Euroanalysis XX in Istanbul. Photo: private, Gergo Peter Szekeres

13.08.2019: SALSA fellow Sinem Palantöken published her first research article

Our 7th cohort Fellow Sinem Palantöken published her first research article on "Cellulose hydrogels physically crosslinked by glycine: Synthesis, characterization, thermal and mechanical properties". The article was published in Journal of Applied Polymer Science and was co-authored by K. Bethke, V. Zivanovic, G. Kalinka, J. Kneipp and K. Rademann.

Congratulations to Sinem and all co-authors!

07.08.2019: Research article by Thomas Schmid (SALSA Application Lab) was picked for the front cover of Journal of Raman Spectroscopy

The recently published paper by the head of our SALSA Application lab Thomas Schmid was picked for the front cover of Journal of Raman spectroscopy. The article is titled "Raman band widths of anhydrite II reveal the burning history of high‐fired medieval gypsum mortars" and was co-authored by Robert Jungnickel and Petra Dariz.

Congratulations to Thomas and all co-authors!

19.07.2019: Best poster award for SALSA 7th cohort Fellow Gergő Péter Szekeres!

Our 7th cohort Fellow Gergő Péter Szekeres won the best poster prize at the 7th international symposium on metallomics in Warsaw, Poland for his poster "Mass spectrometric analysis of the hard protein corona on intracellular gold nanoparticles".

Gergő joined SALSA in late 2016 and is being supervised by Prof. Janina Kneipp (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin) and Prof. Maria Montes-Bayon (University Oviedo).




SALSA Fellow Gergo Peter Szekres at 7th international symposium on metallomics in Warsaw, Poland. Photo: private, Gergo Peter Szekeres

27.05.2019: Research paper by SALSA Fellow Narendra L. Venkatareddy was featured in Advanced Science News

Our Fellow Narendra L. Venkatareddy recently published his research on Mussel‐Glue Inspired Adhesives in Advanced Materials Interfaces (original article). Now his publication was also featured in Advanced Science News (feature).

Congrats Narendra!


25.03.2019: SALSA Speaker Prof. Ulrich Panne receives the Emich Plakette!

SALSA is proud to announce that our SALSA speaker Prof. Ulrich Panne has been awarded the Emich Plakette by the Austrian Society of Analytical Chemistry for his outstanding  achievments in research and teaching in the field of Analytical Chemistry. The award was handed over at Anakon 2019.


31.01.2019: SALSA an official partner of the Einstein Center for Catalysis (EC2), SALSA Speaker Prof. Janina Kneipp nominated to EC2 Executive Board

We are happy to announce that SALSA has extended its longstanding collaboration with Technical University Berlin in the area of catalysis-related analytical research, as established via several SALSA PI and with researchers of the Cluster of Excellence Unifying Concepts of Catalysis.

As of 2019, SALSA is an official partner of the new Einstein Center for Catalysis (EC2). Our Speaker, Prof. Janina Kneipp, as well as SALSA PI Prof. Stefan Hecht, were elected to the Executive Board of EC2.

Find more information here and read up on the Einstein Center and its PhD research offers here.


09.01.2019: HU Department of Chemistry colloquium with Dr. Zsuzanna Heiner

On January 9, 2019, Zsuzsanna Heiner, SALSA's Julia-Lermontova postdoctoral fellow and head of our Photonics Application Lab, will present her work in the colloquium of HU Chemistry Department.

Where: Lecture hall 0'06 at the HU Chemistry Department

When: 5.15 p.m.

Title: "Molecular structures at interfaces from vibrational sum frequency generation spectroscopy".


01.01.2019: A quick look back at 2018, SALSA Alumni and Alumnae

Since our first fellows graduated in 2016, we had established a SALSA tradition of acknowledging their graduation achievements individually on our homepage, giving credit to their supervisors and groups and referring to their grades. Many of our fellows liked having this public record of their achievement.

SALSA Fellows sharing a laugh during presentations, SALSA Summer University 2017,
photo: HU, Daniel Pasche

With the renewed General Data Protection Regulation (General Data Protection Regulation, OJ L 119, 04.05.2016; cor. OJ L 127, 23.05.2018), however, there are too many ambiguities as to what information and under which circumstances, exactly, we are allowed to share when it comes to personal achievements of Fellows and Alumni and Alumnae as long as grades are involved. So with some regret, we have deleted all those individual listings of doctoral graduations from our homepage.

However, we would be remiss if we did not at least proudly announce that in 2018, a further 16 SALSA Fellows successfully completed their doctoral degrees, graduating from Humboldt-Universität, the University of Potsdam and Technical University Berlin.

Congrats to all of you!