03.-04.09.2018 Intensive Course „Scientific Writing for Psychologists“
- https://fakultaeten.hu-berlin.de/en/lewi-en/scientific/gradcentre/during/ws/scientific-writing-and-presenting/03.09.intensivcoursewritingpsych
- 03.-04.09.2018 Intensive Course „Scientific Writing for Psychologists“
- 2018-09-03T09:00:00+02:00
- 2018-09-04T16:00:00+02:00
- What Scientific Writing and Presenting
- When Sep 03, 2018 09:00 to Sep 04, 2018 04:00
- Where IRIS Adlershof Raum 0'21 Zum Großen Windkanal 6 12489 Berlin
Trainer: Dr. Gesa Schaadt, MPI for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig
Date: 3rd and 4th September 2018, Mon: 9:00-17:00h, Tue: 9:00-16:00h
Target group: Doctoral candidates from the field of psychology after their first year of doctoral studies
The aim of this two-day workshop is that doctoral students from the field of psychology will feel confident in preparing scientific papers and learn to organize their writing process.
Specifically, the course aims at:
- Learning how to plan the scientific writing process and how to self-organize (taking individual preferences into account)
- Learning how a scientific manuscript is structured and which specific details one has to consider
- Learning to write scientifically, including the organization of a manuscript, the style of writing, specific expressions, and what to consider and what to avoid
- Conveying detailed information on the publication process in order to learn what to expect and to learn what is expected
- Conveying detailed information on the review process in order to change ones own perspective and take this new perspective into account within the process of writing
What to expect and how to prepare:
In order to learn how to describe research findings clearly and effectively with a narrative that includes a concise conclusion, we will use several writing examples, will go through relevant exercises, and will discuss the scientific writing process in the class. By this interactive nature, participants will not only benefit from the experience of the instructor, but also from the input of the other participants.
Participants will receive handouts and will leave the workshop with material that will help them to prepare scientific manuscripts in the long-term. Further, writing samples from each participant will be edited by the instructor and integrated into the workshop. Thus, participants are asked to prepare a sample of their own writing comprising a summary (one-page long Abstract) and title of their research, either from a manuscript that is currently in preparation or describing their research so far. Participants are also asked to bring their laptops, such that we will be able to work on their writing samples during the course.