02.-10.07.2025 Workshop „Art in Science“
- https://fakultaeten.hu-berlin.de/en/lewi-en/scientific/gradcentre/during/ws/2025/artinscience
- 02.-10.07.2025 Workshop „Art in Science“
- 2025-07-02T09:00:00+02:00
- 2025-07-10T12:00:00+02:00
- When Jul 02, 2025 09:00 to Jul 10, 2025 12:00
- Contact Name Dr. Julia Klauder
Trainer: Giovanna Chavez Miguel and Maria Schmiedbauer
Date: 02, 03 and 10 July 2025;
Time: 02 and 03 July: 10 am - 5 pm; 10 July: 10 am - 1:30 pm
Format: In-person (in Berlin-Mitte)
Target group: Doctoral candidates and postdocs in Natural and Life Sciences
Course language: English
The concept
The Art in Science workshop series seek to break down current frontiers in research and scientific communication by promoting innovative interdisciplinary methodologies, which infuse artistic and participatory elements into research practices.
Further information can be found in the workshop flyer.
What to expect
- Day 1: Introduction to art-based methods and scientific communication in interdisciplinary research
- Day 2: Practical session with project planning and development
- Day 3: Project presentation
What's next?
Participation is free of charge, but places are limited.
Please register now (by 25 June at the latest) by sending an email to Wiebke Hampel (Contact: wiebke.hampel@hu-berlin.de)
Family room
A family room is available at Luisenstraße 56. You or the person looking after your child(ren) are welcome to use the room for the duration of the workshop. If you are interested, please note this in the registration form or send an email to graduiertenzentrum.lewi@hu-berlin.de.
The workshop is open to all doctoral candidates of the Faculty of Life Sciences. Of course, this also applies to disabled doctoral candidates and those with limited mobility. Access to the seminar room is mostly barrier-free.
If you have any needs that would make it easier for you to access and participate in the workshop, please write this to graduiertenzentrum.lewi@hu-berlin.de.