Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | Fakultäten & Institute | Lebenswissenschaftliche Fakultät | Wissenschaftliche Karriere | Promotion | Abschluss der Promotion | Promotionsverfahren | Biologie Biologie 03.03.2025 Merga, Galaan: "Investigation of the photocycle of bacterial phytochromes Agp1 and Agp2 using FTIR spectroscopy" - Einladung mergaausl mergaeinl Basak, Yudhajeet: "A Structural and Mechanistic Study into Cluster C and its Protein Matrix of CODH-II from Carboxydothermus hydrogenoformans" - Auslage basakausl 21.02.2025 Ector, Carolin: "The circadian clock landscape in breast cancer cell models and its role in shaping treatment responses" - Auslage und Einladung ectorausl ectoreinl Sztyler, Agnieszka: "Dynamics of arrestin interactions with G protein-coupled receptors and membrane" - Auslage sztylerausl 07.03.2025 Brunner, Patrick: "Investigation of cytokine signaling and niche formation with spatial modeling" - Auslage und Einladung brunnerausl brunnereinl 27.02.2025 Aust, Oleksandra: "Investigation of ERK activity as a proxy for targeted therapy resistance in KRAS-mutant colorectal cancer" - Auslage und Einladung austausl austeinl 20.02.2025 Del Giudice, Simone: "Integrating ex vivo organotypic cultures and high-throughput sequencing to study gene expression dynamics in mammalian tissues" - Auslage und Einladung delgiudiceausl delgiudiceeinl 26.02.2025 Junkermeier, Eike Hendrik: "Molecular Regulation by the Second Messenger c-di-GMP in Escherichia coli: Local Signal Transduction and Novel c-di-GMP-Binding Effectors" - Auslage und Einladung 1 2 Die nächsten 4 Inhalte
03.03.2025 Merga, Galaan: "Investigation of the photocycle of bacterial phytochromes Agp1 and Agp2 using FTIR spectroscopy" - Einladung
Basak, Yudhajeet: "A Structural and Mechanistic Study into Cluster C and its Protein Matrix of CODH-II from Carboxydothermus hydrogenoformans" - Auslage
21.02.2025 Ector, Carolin: "The circadian clock landscape in breast cancer cell models and its role in shaping treatment responses" - Auslage und Einladung
Sztyler, Agnieszka: "Dynamics of arrestin interactions with G protein-coupled receptors and membrane" - Auslage
07.03.2025 Brunner, Patrick: "Investigation of cytokine signaling and niche formation with spatial modeling" - Auslage und Einladung
27.02.2025 Aust, Oleksandra: "Investigation of ERK activity as a proxy for targeted therapy resistance in KRAS-mutant colorectal cancer" - Auslage und Einladung
20.02.2025 Del Giudice, Simone: "Integrating ex vivo organotypic cultures and high-throughput sequencing to study gene expression dynamics in mammalian tissues" - Auslage und Einladung
26.02.2025 Junkermeier, Eike Hendrik: "Molecular Regulation by the Second Messenger c-di-GMP in Escherichia coli: Local Signal Transduction and Novel c-di-GMP-Binding Effectors" - Auslage und Einladung