Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | Fakultäten & Institute | Lebenswissenschaftliche Fakultät | Wissenschaftliche Karriere | Promotion | Abschluss der Promotion | Promotionsverfahren | Biologie Biologie van Kronenberg Till, Philipp: "Meaning-dependent auditory gating during sleep" - Auslage vankronenbergausl Alp, Keziban Merve: "Investigations of proteome and signal transduction alterations in Patient-Derived Xenografts to delineate drug responses in cancer" - Auslage alpausl walthoausl walthoeinl boerdingausl boerdingeinl tenengausl tenengeinl 22.10.2024 Bahar, Yozlem: "Deciphering neural diversity: Insights from scRNA-seq analysis and logical modeling of the developing nervous system" - Auslage und Einladung baharausl Novél, Lasse Votborg: "Single cell transcriptional profiling of dry and wet season Plasmodium falciparum" - Auslage novelausl Pinder_Auslage Pinder, Phillip: "In vitro quantification and strain differentiation of heat resistant α-Synuclein seeds associated with Parkinson’s disease" - Auslage Chidambaram_Auslage Chidambaram, Shambhavi: "When and where: Choice behaviors of nectar-feeding bats in a spatially and temporally changing environment" - Auslage Bahar_Einladung
Alp, Keziban Merve: "Investigations of proteome and signal transduction alterations in Patient-Derived Xenografts to delineate drug responses in cancer" - Auslage
22.10.2024 Bahar, Yozlem: "Deciphering neural diversity: Insights from scRNA-seq analysis and logical modeling of the developing nervous system" - Auslage und Einladung
Novél, Lasse Votborg: "Single cell transcriptional profiling of dry and wet season Plasmodium falciparum" - Auslage
Pinder, Phillip: "In vitro quantification and strain differentiation of heat resistant α-Synuclein seeds associated with Parkinson’s disease" - Auslage
Chidambaram, Shambhavi: "When and where: Choice behaviors of nectar-feeding bats in a spatially and temporally changing environment" - Auslage