10.09.2018 Course "Scientific information design. Data visualization for figures, posters and slides"
- https://fakultaeten.hu-berlin.de/de/lewi/karriere/graz/waehrendpromotion/ws/wissenschaftliches-schreiben-und-praesentieren/10.09.figuredesign
- 10.09.2018 Course "Scientific information design. Data visualization for figures, posters and slides"
- 2018-09-10T09:00:00+02:00
- 2018-09-10T17:00:00+02:00
- Was Scientific Writing and Presenting
- Wann 10.09.2018 von 09:00 bis 17:00
- Wo Mitte, Philippstr 13, House 18, seminar room 104
Trainer: Dr. Helena Jambor, MPI of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics, Dresden
Date: 10th September 2018, 9:00-17:00h
Target group: Doctoral candidates from their 2nd year onwards from all disciplines at our Faculty
Visual evidences are key for the scientific discourse in the life sciences. Yet, image preparation, molecular graphs and representation of statistical data is not part of the scientific curriculum.
In this one-day workshop, participants learn to understand and create clear scientific figures. We will discuss for example:
- What data needs a figure
- How to choose chart types
- How not to lie - truthful data presentation?
- How to increase the legibility by considering graphic design principles
We will discuss explorative and explanatory data visualizations, and also discuss how to adapt figures for posters, slides and publications and extensively discuss examples. The course includes lectures, exercises in small groups and discussion of individual data visualization challenges from the members of the group.
The course is a general training in scientific visual communication and data presentation.