Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Lebenswissenschaftliche Fakultät

13.04.2018 Havel-Spree-Colloquium 2018

  • Wann 13.04.2018 von 09:15 bis 18:13
  • Wo Campus Nord, Philippstr. 13, House 12, 10115 Berlin
  • iCal

The Havel-Spree-Colloquium is an annual one-day event for postgraduated students working in plant science. 

The Havel-Spree-Colloquium 2018 is the perfect opportunity for you to present your research to young scientists in a relaxed atmosphere. You will not only meet PhD students from Berlin, Potsdam and the surrounding area, but you will also learn about different experimental techniques that are used and various ways in which to approach scientific questions. Take the initiative to discuss both scientific and practical problems and start to build your professional network within the next generation of scientists. Furthermore, two invited keynote speakers will present their work and will give you new impulses for your work.


Prizes for posters and oral presentations will be awarded!


More information and registration.