10./14.10.2019 Workshop: Linear mixed-models (LMM) for psychologists
New Workshops offered by the Graduate Centre Life Sciences
- https://fakultaeten.hu-berlin.de/de/lewi/karriere/graz/waehrendpromotion/ws/good-scientific-practice/10-14-10-2019-workshop-linear-mixed-models-lmm-for-psychologists
- 10./14.10.2019 Workshop: Linear mixed-models (LMM) for psychologists
- 2019-10-10T00:00:00+02:00
- 2019-10-14T23:59:59+02:00
- New Workshops offered by the Graduate Centre Life Sciences
- Wann 10.10.2019 00:00 bis 14.10.2019 23:59
- Wo Adlershof
Your peers are organising a two-day linear mixed-models (LMM) workshop for psychologists on October 10 and 14 in Adlershof. The content of the workshop will be based on that of the Summer School on Statistical Methods for Linguistics and Psychology (cf. here).
For more information and registration see here.