Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Sprach- und literaturwissenschaftliche Fakultät

Glossary and FAQ


VL = Vorlesung / lecture

GK = Grundkurs / basic course

SE = Seminar

UE = Übung / exercise

TU = Tutorium / tutorial

MAP = Modulabschlussprüfung / final module exam

SWS = Semesterwochenstunden / semester hours per week

üWP = überfachlicher Wahpflichtbereich / interdisciplinary compulsory elective area

ZM = Zusatzmodul / special module



Please note: we are just getting started, so the questions are not sorted by topic yet.



Do I have to take the modules in the order they are listed on the study guide?

No, you are free to choose from any modules listed in the study guides. Just remember to check if the modules are offered in Winter Semester or Summer Semester.


How many modules / courses do I have to take?

In most cases it depends on the regulations from your home university. And if there are regulations they are usually about the amount of credits / ECTS you should achieve during your exchange.

If you do your exchange with Erasmus+ you usually should achieve 20-30 ECTS per semester. That is in general the amount a full time student at HU-Berlin achieves per semester as well.

If there are no regulations, you are free to choose. At the SprachLit faculty we don't set an amount for ECTS / modules you should achieve / complete.


Can I take more exams per module?

No, there is one exam per module. That's why the exam is called "Modulabschlussprüfung (MAP)" since the grade from the exam counts for the whole module.


In module X it says the exam is either exam type A or exam type B. Who decides the exam type?

You will discuss this with the course lecturer. Either they decide themselves or they give you the option to choose between exam type A or exam type B.


Do I take an exam in every course of a module?

No, in most cases you take the exam in 1 or 2 courses of the module. For example if the exam is a term paper, you will write the paper in one of the seminars of the module. Sometimes the study will already tell you in which seminar you will write the paper.

In the case of written/oral exams it can be that the exam consists of topics from the lecture and the seminar.

Usually at the beginning of the semester or during the lecturer will explain the exam types. Please be aware to always check your module number, because the course could be offered in different modules ending with different exam types.


Where do I find the Language Courses, Berlin Perspesctives Courses and üWP courses?
  • You can find the Language Courses at the Language Center / Sprachenzentrum website. They have an overview of language classes offered in the semester, how much they cost and how to register for them. You register directly on Language Center website.
  • The Berlin Perspectives Courses are listed on their own website and on AGNES. You should be able to register for them on AGNES.
  • The üWP courses for each semester als also on AGNES and you can also register on AGNES for the courses. But remember that you cannot take üWP courses from the course(s) of study you are enrolled in at HU-Berlin.

Please note that the links to AGNES are for Winter Semester 2024/25. For other semesters you have to directly navigate through AGNES.


How many üWP courses can I take per semester?

You can take max. 2 üWP courses per semester. Please remember that üWP courses cannot be from your course(s) of study at HU-Berlin.




Who is the responsible person at the receiving institution (HU-Berlin)?

The responsible person at the receiving institution is Saskia Asmus. As position you can write down (faculty) international coordinator. You can find her contact information on our website under "Kontakt & Sprechzeiten". Please note: As e-mail address for the contact you can put internationales.sprachlit(@) But please send your certificate to ects.sprachlit(@) to get it signed.




My Home University is not able to use the OLA. What do I do?

In that case you can use the PDF form provided by your home university. Send your LA to ects.sprachlit(@) to get it signed from us.


Is there a deadline to send you the (O)LA druing mobility?

No, we don't have a deadline for that. If there are deadlines, they are at your home university. So please check with them.