Glossary and FAQ
VL = Vorlesung / lecture
GK = Grundkurs / basic course
SE = Seminar
UE = Übung / exercise
TU = Tutorium / tutorial
MAP = Modulabschlussprüfung / final module exam
SWS = Semesterwochenstunden / semester hours per week
üWP = überfachlicher Wahpflichtbereich / interdisciplinary compulsory elective area
ZM = Zusatzmodul / special module
c.t. and s.t. = these abbreviations can be found at universities after time information:
- s.t. - Latin "sine tempore" = "without time"
- c.t. - Latin "cum tempore" = "with time", the so-called "academic quarter"
- Example:
- 10 a.m. s.t.: means the lecture starts at 10:00 a.m.
10 a.m. c.t.: means the lecture starts 15 minutes later, i.e. at 10.15 a.m.
- 10 a.m. s.t.: means the lecture starts at 10:00 a.m.
Please note: we are just getting started, so there might not be an answer for everything :)
How can I check the course(s) of study I'm enrolled in at HU Berlin?
If you have already activated your HU account (after picking up your PIN letter from the Central Incoming Team) you can log in to AGNES and check it.
After logging in, choose "Certificates / Bescheinigungen" on the left side bar. On the page "Semester selection / Semesterwahl" you choose the semester (dropdown) and click on "Select / Auswählen".
Now you will see an overwiew of Certificates / Bescheinigungen for that semester. If you then click on "Enrollment Certificate / Studienbescheinigung" a PDF file will be created. The document contains details of the semesters studied, subjects of study and degrees.
What are modules?
Each course of study consists of different modules, which structure the course content thematically and chronologically. A module is a thematically and content-wise structured study unit.
All modules that you need to take in a course of study are listed a study and examination regulation (for degree seeking students). For exchange students at SprachLit Faculty we created Study Guides. They list all modules you can take, including which courses each module consists of, the ECTS per course/exam and the type of exam for the module.
A module consists of several courses and concludes with a final module examination:
- Course types: Lecture, Seminar, Basic Course, Tutorial, Exercise
- Exam types: Written/Oral Exam, Take-Home-Exam, Term Paper/Essay
To complete a module all courses must have been attended/completed and a final module examination (MAP) must have been passed.
For example: Module X consists of 1 lecture + 1 seminar + oral exam > lecture (2 ECTS) + seminar (4 ECTS) + exam/MAP (1 ECTS) = in total 7 ECTS
What is a final module examination = Modulabschlussprüfung (MAP)?
To complete a module and receive a grade for the whole module, you have to take an exam at the end of the semester - the MAP.
The exam is usually only taken in one or two courses of the module, but the exam grade applies to all components/courses of the module!
Grades are given as decimal numbers: 1,0 (excellent) - 4,0 (sufficient) = Pass; 5,0 = Fail
For example:
- Module Y: Textanalysis consists of 1 seminar (4 ECTS) + 1 seminar (4 ECTS) + MAP - term paper (2 ECTS). The term paper is written in one of the seminars. As grade fro the term papaer you receive a 2,0. After completing the module you get 10 ECTS for the module and the grade for the whole module (so for all components) is 2,0.
- Module X: Linguistics consists of 1 VL (2 ECTS) + 1 SE (4 ECTS) + 1 MAP (1 ECTS) (oral exam). In the oral exam you will get questions from the VL and the SE. The grade (1,3) you receive from this exam, will be for all components - the VL and the SE. You passed Module Z: Linguistics with the grade 1,3 and receive 7 ECTS for the module.
How do I get started with class selection?
First you should know:
- if you need grades for the courses at HU > you have to take whole modules including the exam for the module
- if you don't need grades > you don't take exam and don't have to pick whole modules, but can take single classes
- if you are not sure, if you need grades > pick whole modules (including exam) > if needed, you can drop a course or exam later
- Check with home university if they've set some rules, like the amount of ECTS you need to achieve per semester ...
Then you should check from which courses you can choose:
- from the course(s) of study you are enrolled in > You can find the allowed modules / courses in our Study Guides (only Sprachlit faculty)
- Überfachlicher Wahlpflichtbereich (üWP) > usually you can't receive a grade in those courses, just ECTS
- Language Classes from Language Center > they have an exam at the end, you receive a grade + ECTS
- Berlin Perspectives Courses > they have an exam at the end, you receive a grade + ECTS
- (maybe you have a second course of study at another faculty > pick courses / modules according to their guidelines)
3 Steps for class selection (at Sprachlit faculty):
- 1. Check the Study Guides for your course of study > you are only allowed to choose from the modules listed there!
- 2. Check the Course Catalogue for your semester on AGNES > only look at modules / courses that are listed on the Study Guide! (There will be more modules listed, but you can only choose modules that are in the Study Guide!)
- 3. Put the courses you picked from your course of study and üWP on your SprachLit Course Confirmation (SprachLit CC).
>> Plase read the information on our website for further information regarding Class Selection!
Do I have to take the modules in the order they are listed on the study guide?
No, you are free to choose from any modules listed in the study guides. Just remember to check if the modules are offered in Winter Semester or Summer Semester.
How many modules / courses do I have to take?
In most cases it depends on the regulations from your home university. And if there are regulations they are usually about the amount of credits / ECTS you should achieve during your exchange.
If you do your exchange with Erasmus+ you usually should achieve 20-30 ECTS per semester. That is in general the amount a full time student at HU-Berlin achieves per semester as well.
If there are no regulations, you are free to choose. At the SprachLit faculty we don't set an amount for ECTS / modules you should achieve / complete.
Can I take more exams per module?
No, there is one exam per module. That's why the exam is called "Modulabschlussprüfung (MAP)" since the grade from the exam counts for the whole module.
In module X it says the exam is either exam type A or exam type B. Who decides the exam type?
You will discuss this with the course lecturer. Either they decide themselves or they give you the option to choose between exam type A or exam type B.
Do I take an exam in every course of a module?
No, in most cases you take the exam in 1 or 2 courses of the module. For example if the exam is a term paper, you will write the paper in one of the seminars of the module. Sometimes the study will already tell you in which seminar you will write the paper.
In the case of written/oral exams it can be that the exam consists of topics from the lecture and the seminar.
Usually at the beginning of the semester or during the lecturer will explain the exam types. Please be aware to always check your module number, because the course could be offered in different modules ending with different exam types.
Where do I find the Language Courses, Berlin Perspesctives Courses and üWP courses?
- You can find the Language Courses at the Language Center / Sprachenzentrum website. They have an overview of language classes offered in the semester, how much they cost and how to register for them. You register directly on Language Center website.
- The Berlin Perspectives Courses are listed on their own website and on AGNES. You should be able to register for them on AGNES.
- The üWP courses for each semester als also on AGNES and you can also register on AGNES for the courses. But remember that you cannot take üWP courses from the course(s) of study you are enrolled in at HU-Berlin.
Please note that the links to AGNES are for Winter Semester 2024/25. For other semesters you have to directly navigate through AGNES.
How many üWP courses can I take per semester?
You can take max. 2 üWP courses per semester. Please remember that üWP courses cannot be from your course(s) of study at HU-Berlin.
Why didn't I receive an e-mail that confirms, I registered for a class?
This is normal. You don't receive an e-mail after registering for classes. After you registered for a class, they will be added to your "Schedule / Stundenplan" with the abbreviation "AN" (registered / angemeldet). You find the Schedule on the left side bar on AGNES.
Tip: You can save the schedule as a PDF file, but in the document you cannot see, if you registered for the class or not. So it's best to also take a screenshot of the schedule after registering for all classes.
I don't get my HU account before the registration deadline. How do I register for classes?
The registration on AGNES needs to be done with an active HU account. If that is not possible you have to ask each course instructor individually, if you can get a spot in their class. If you are already in Berlin by the time classes have started, go to the first session of the course and ask the instructor in person. Alternatively, you can also write e-mails to the course instructors, especially if you are not yet in Berlin. But in general you should that in the first week!
Which types of exams are possible?
Exam Type | Infos |
Written Exam / Klausur |
Oral Exam / mündliche Prüfung |
Take Home Exam |
Term Paper / Hausarbeit |
Essay |
The type of exam is always listed in our Study Guides. Further details regarding the exams will be provided by the lectuters - usually some general information at the beginning of the semester and maybe more info before/during/after the exam registration period. If you have questions for the exams in the modules you are taking, please ask your lecturers about it.
What is the grading scale at HU-Berlin?
Overview of the grading scale at HU-Berlin:
- 1,0 to 1,3: excellent (sehr gut)
- 1,7 to 2,3: good (gut)
- 2,7 to 3,3: satisfactory (befriedigend)
- 3,7 to 4,0: sufficient (ausreichend)
- 5,0: failed (nicht ausreichend)
What can I do / find on AGNES?
Without log in with your HU account:
- you can view the course catalague / Vorlesungsverzeichnig
After logging in with your HU account:
- you can register for classes
- you can see your registered classes or the classes you received a spot in in your schedule / Stundenplan
- you can register for exams (only possible during exam registration period during the semester and your need your TAN list!)
- you can find / download your enrollment certificate
- you can view / change personal information like address or bank account details
- you can view information regarding the Deutschlandsemesterticket
Where can I find my Enrollment Certificate?
We don't send out this document via e-mail. You can find them on AGNES. Log in with your HU account > Choose "Certificates" the left sidebar > Choose your semester from the dropdown > Click on "Select" > on the page that opens then you can find your enrollment certificate. Just click on the document and it will download a PDF file.
Until when do I have access to AGNES?
The course catalogue can always be viewed without a log in.
But class registration, schedule, exam registration, enrollment certificate etc. can only be accessed with an active HU account. This means you can only log in to AGNES during your semester at HU Berlin. Afterwards your HU account (and HU e-mail) will be deactivated.
So make sure to save important documents or take screenshots before it's too late.
Who is the responsible person at the receiving institution (HU-Berlin)?
The responsible person at the receiving institution is Saskia Asmus. As position you can write down (faculty) international coordinator. You can find her contact information on our website under "Kontakt & Sprechzeiten". Please note: As e-mail address for the contact you can put internationales.sprachlit[@] But please send your certificate to ects.sprachlit[@] to get it signed.
Which dates do I put on my Certificate of Arrival / Departure (or Certificate of Stay)?
As start date:
- Please put the date of our first in-person orientation event as start date.
- Participation in an intensive language course before the start of the semester: In this case the start of language course is also start of your Winter Semester / Summer Semester. If you are taking part in a language course, please send us an e-mail (ects.sprachlit[@] with the start date of the course and a course confirmation (e.g. registration, bank transfer, confirmation of enrolment).
As end date:
- Please put the date of your last in-person exam (term papers do not count here). For Winter Semester it should be around mid/end of February and for Summer Semester it should be around mid July till beginning of August.
- The exact date depends on the day of your last class or exam.
Please note:
- Please send us the document with all of your personal information put in.
- Then send it to us via e-mail so that we can sign it. We can only sign it on the departure date or after that date.
My Home University is not able to use the OLA. What do I do?
In that case you can use the PDF form provided by your home university. Send your LA to ects.sprachlit[@] to get it signed from us.
Is there a deadline to send you the (O)LA druing mobility?
No, we don't have a deadline for that. If there are deadlines, they are at your home university. So please check with them.
I don't take any exams at Sprachlit faculty. Do I still need to sign and send the Exam Statement?
Yes, you still need to sign the document and upload it to the HU Box.
But if you didn't take any courses at Sprachlit faculty and informed us about it, you don't need to do a SprachLit Course Confirmation or an Exam Statement. But that only applies if you informed us (ects[.]sprachlit[@]hu-berlin[.]de) about not taking any courses at the faculty!