Templates and Links
For Academic Year 2024/25
We have a new Sprachlit Course Confirmation Template 2024/25!
Please only use this template. Please download the template and use Adobe Reader to fill it out.
SprachLit Course Confirmation Template 24/25
Exam Statement Template 24/25 (for the end of the semester)
► At the End of the Winter Semester 2024/2025: Signed SprachLit CC + Exam Statement
Please upload your signed SprachLit CC and Exam Statement to the International Office HU Box
- Deadline for Upload: March 1st, 2025
- Link: https://box.hu-berlin.de/u/d/625ee95890a248be8e28/https://box.hu-berlin.de/u/d/625ee95890a248be8e28/https://box.hu-berlin.de/u/d/625ee95890a248be8e28/https://box.hu-berlin.de/u/d/47731b528c8d4c1c9b95/
- Name your PDF files as follows:
- Last Name_First Name_SignedSprachlitCC_WiSe24-25.pdf (Example: Asmus_Saskia_SignedSprachlitCC_WiSe24-25.pdf)
- Last Name_First Name_ExamStatement_WiSe24-25.pdf
- Last Name_First Name_SignedSprachlitCC_WiSe24-25.pdf (Example: Asmus_Saskia_SignedSprachlitCC_WiSe24-25.pdf)
- if you have to uplaod a updated version of your Sprachlit CC/exam statement, please add "_NEW" at the end of you file name
- Before getting signatures please check if all info/courses/exams are correct on your SprachLit CC.
- You don’t receive a confirmation after uploading your file! The upload was successful if the file name and “Hochgeladen” (uploaded) are displayed at the bottom of the box.
- If there are changes regarding your exams after the deadline, please let us know via email.
At the Beginning of the Winter Semester 2024/2025: Complete Sprachlit CC
Upload your completed SprachLit CC to the International Office-HU Box (= a cloud to share/upload/download files):
- Deadline for Upload: October 22, 2024
- Link: https://box.hu-berlin.de/u/d/5321bfaad20a4ecdaaee/
- Name your PDF file as follows:
- Last Name_First Name_SprachlitCC_WiSe24-25.pdf
- Example: Asmus_Saskia_SprachlitCC_WiSe24-25.pdf
- if you have to uplaod a new version of you Sprachlit CC, please add "_NEW" at the end of you file name
- Please note: You don’t receive a confirmation after uploading your file! The upload was successful if the file name and “Hochgeladen” (uploaded) are displayed at the bottom of the box.
- Please note that this document is final. During the semester you will only be able to drop classes and/or exams, but you cannot add any classes or exams. If you drop any classes and/or exams, please e-mail the instructor and always let us know, because we must update your SprachLit CC.
- If there are any issues with your course choices, we will contact you.
Extension request for Erasmus+ stay
- Platform AGNES >> for Course Catalogue and Class Registration
- HU International
- Sprachenzentrum / Language Center
- Berlin Perspectives
- Hochschulsport / Sport and Recreation
- WLAN at HU Berlin - eduroam (education roaming) - instructions for configuration
- Studierendenwerk Berlin
- ESN Berlin (Erasmus Student Network Berlin - not only for Erasmus students)
- International Offices at other faculties / departments (in case you are enrolled there as well): (links have last been checked on 21/10/2024)
- Faculty of Arts and Humanities:
- Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
- Faculty of Life Sciences
- Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
- Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
- Faculty of Theology
- Faculty of Law