Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Faculty of Life Sciences

Doctoral Symposia

Through a variety of offers, the Graduate Centre Life Sciences facilitates scientific and interdisciplinary training, as well as networking among all doctoral candidates at the Faculty of Life Sciences.

To support scientific exchange among doctoral candidates of our Faculty, the Graduate Centre Life Sciences funds up to two symposia, which are organized by doctoral candidates for fellow doctoral candidates with up to 3,000 € per symposium. The symposia shall take place between July and November 2018.


Deadline for submission of applications: May 15th, 2018


Which symposia will be funded?

The planned symposia should be of high scientific quality and broad interest among doctoral candidates, postdocs, lecturers and professors in scientific disciplines represented by the Faculty of Life Sciences. Ideally, through an interdisciplinary focus, these symposia will support further linkages between institutes of our Faculty, as well as foster networking beyond our Faculty with other scientific institutions Berlin-wide, as well as beyond. Funded symposia should focus on engagement of doctoral candidates both in organisation of the symposia, as well as in participation during talks and/ or poster presentations held. In addition, guest speakers may be invited to support scientific exchange during the symposia, with their presentations. The format of the suggested symposia should ensure extensive opportunities for scientific discussion.


What will be funded?
  • Expenses for travel and accommodation to support invited guest speakers
  • Expenses for consumables required for the realisation of symposia
  • Further expenses for the organisation of symposia (e.g. printing costs for announcements etc.)
  • Catering expenses (≤5% of total funding and according to the Regelungen zur Erstattung von Bewirtungskosten aus Drittmitteln)


What will not be funded?
  • Expenses for travel and accommodation of doctoral candidates
  • Fees for guest speakers (i.e., honorarium)
  • Expenses for a social programme


Who can apply?

All doctoral candidates admitted to the Faculty of Life Sciences are eligible to apply. Ideally, symposium applicants would comprise a group of doctoral candidates from one or more institutes of our Faculty. One doctoral candidate should act as main applicant and contact person, supported by a number of co-applicants. Also, doctoral candidates from other (non-university) institutions, or from structured doctoral programmes with an admission at our Faculty, are also eligible to join a group application. While cooperation between doctoral candidates from different disciplines, institutions or programmes is highly appreciated, it is not the sole evaluation criterion.


Information for applicants

Applicants should outline their proposed symposium in at least two, and up to four pages discussing the following aspects:

  • Scientific question and context of the suggested symposium
  • Interdisciplinarity, contribution of the symposium towards further networking within our Faculty or within the Graduate Centre
  • Special formats during the symposium that facilitate exchange and networking
  • Which participants shall be addressed? (HU-internals? Non-HU from Berlin, or beyond?)
  • Suggested guest speakers (Have they already been contacted?)
  • Time and financial plan (A potential co-funding with funds from structured doctoral programmes, non-university institutions or other sources must be clearly stated.)
  • Planned follow-up, e.g. are follow-up meetings (as topic clusters) planned?


Documents to be submitted:


Documents may be submitted in German or English language.


Who selects successful applications?

Submissions will be evaluated by a panel comprising:

  • the Dean and the Vice Dean for Research of the Faculty of Life Sciences
  • the coordinator of the Graduate Centre Life Sciences, and
  • the doctoral student representatives of our Faculty.


What is the application deadline?

Applications for funding of a doctoral symposium can be submitted to the Graduate Centre Life Sciences as one PDF file comprising all documents mentioned above until May 15th, 2018, via e-mail to:


When will successful applicants be informed?

Successful applicants will be informed on June 13th, 2018.


Information on the administrative management of funded doctoral symposia

Expenses arising for a funded doctoral symposium will be directly covered by the Graduate Centre Life Sciences. Requested funds (according to the submitted budget plan) will be administered by the Graduate Centre and will not be transferred to a separate project account. Invoices etc. can be directly submitted to the Graduate Centre to initiate payment.

Organisational advice and support for funded symposia will be given by the coordinator of the Graduate Centre. Organizers are requested to announce the funded symposia as “symposia within the framework of the Graduate Centre Life Sciences”.


Further questions?

In case of further questions please contact the coordinator of the Graduate Centre.