05.-06.09.2024 Intensive workshop "Good Scientific Practice"
- https://fakultaeten.hu-berlin.de/en/lewi-en/scientific/gradcentre/during/ws/2024/gsp
- 05.-06.09.2024 Intensive workshop "Good Scientific Practice"
- 2024-09-05T09:00:00+02:00
- 2024-09-06T13:30:00+02:00
- When Sep 05, 2024 09:00 to Sep 06, 2024 01:30
- Contact Name Dr. Julia Klauder
Trainer: Dr. Andrea Kliewer
Dates: 05 September (9am - 5 pm) and 06 September 2024 (9am - 1:30pm)
Format: Online workshop
Target group: Doctoral candidates at the Faculty of Life Sciences
Course language: English
Course description:
The course provides participants with specialist knowledge of research ethics, gives them space to reflect on their values and attitudes as researchers and allows them to practice skills in dealing with conflict-prone situations in their research practice. The participants acquire knowledge of the rules of good scientific practice and train their skills to make responsible decisions in everyday research.
The content and scope are based on the DFG memorandum and the guidelines of the respective universities/institutions to ensure “good scientific practice”:
- Good scientific practice
- Scientific misconduct
- Data and quality management
- Importance and use of AI in the GWP
- Authorship
- Support, mentoring
- Dealing with conflicts and scientific misconduct
- Ombudsman system
- Case studies
- GSP resources
Participation is free of charge, but places are limited. Register now!
>> Registration <<