Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Faculty of Life Sciences


At the Faculty of Life Sciences, all courses that have taken place per semester are evaluated using the Unizensus system. The results are presented and discussed in the form of a statistical summary (evaluation report) in the Departmental Boards and Faculty Board. In addition, the report is made available to the teachers and student councils and discussed in the Teaching and Learning Committees. 

All questions concerning course evaluations can be addressed to the evaluation team.

There are plans to publish the individual results of the course evaluation in future. If you have any further questions, you can contact the teaching and learning management team.

Usage of the results

The results of the evaluation can be found here, if the teachers officially agreed before.

In terms of data-protection and copyright law it is not allowed to release personal or confidential official data to HU-externals / third parties!

The teachers have to sign a data-protection declaration before the results can be published. Please contact stefanie.schueler[at] and send the declaration in the original state to: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Lebenswissenschaftliche Fakultät, Fakultätsverwaltung, Bereichsleitung Studium und Lehre, Invalidenstraße 42, 10099 Berlin.

Legal basis for the course evaluation

Berlin Higher Education Act (BerlHG), § 8a Quality Assurance and Accreditation

(1) Universities shall take appropriate measures to ensure that their work – in particular with regard to research and teaching and to implementing examinations – complies with recognised quality standards. Carrying out regular evaluations, especially in the field of teaching, shall form an essential component of universities' internal quality assurance systems. Students and graduates are to be involved in the evaluation of teaching. The university members are required to participate in evaluation procedures, in particular by providing the necessary information.

Evaluation Statutes of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Procedures, responsibilities and the use of the results, among other things, are regulated here. Pursuant to § 8 (1) 1, teachers are required to inform students about the results of the course evaluation in their respective courses and to provide an opportunity for discussion.

At the central level, the course evaluation is supported by the Quality Management Department of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.