Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Faculty of Life Sciences


  • Uniform address for all examination offices: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Lebenswissenschaftliche Fakultät, Prüfungsbüro ... [insert subject or department], Unter den Linden 6, 10099 Berlin
  • If you would like to contact us by e-mail, please use your HU e-mail address and state your matriculation number!


Office hours examination office Mitte (Agricultural and Horticultural Sciences and Biology / Biophysics) - Tuesdays 09:30 - 13:30


Examination Office for Agricultural and Horticultural Sciences – Campus Nord House 20


Bachelor's degree programmes and teaching Bachelor's + teaching Master's degree programmes: Samira Fuhrmann (part-time monday-thursday) Phone: 0049 30 2093 46795

B.Sc. Agricultural Science; B.Sc. Horticultural Science; M.Ed. Agricultural Economics 

Absent due to illness. Please contact Tina Rohde ( if you only have urgent deadline matters (e.g. exam registrations, exam cancellations, defence dates or similar). Please be sure to state the specific deadline and the reason for the deadline, otherwise your request cannot be processed as part of the representation.


Master's degree programmes: Hendrik Jahn Phone: 0049 30 2093 46788

M.Sc. Process and Quality Management in Agriculture and Horticulture (PQM); M.Sc. Fish Biology, Fisheries and Aquaculture; M.Sc. Integrated Natural Resource Management; M.Sc. Agricultural Economics; International Master in Horticultural Science; International Master in Rural Development

Absent due to vacation up to and including 10.11.2024. In exclusively urgent deadline matters (such as exam registrations, exam deregistrations, defence deadlines or similar), please contact Tina Rohde ( Please be sure to state the specific deadline and the reason for the deadline, otherwise your request cannot be processed by the substitute.

Examination Office for Biology and Biophysics – Campus Nord House 20


Bachelor's degree programmes and teaching Bachelor's degree programmes: Tina Rohde Phone: 0049 30 2093 46789 

B.Sc. Biology Mono; B.Sc. Biophysics Mono; B.Sc. Biology with teaching combination

Absent due to vacation up to and including 27.10.2024. Please contact my deputy Christina Mrosek ( only in urgent matters, stating the reason for the deadline and the deadline date.


Master's degree programmes and teaching Master's degree programmes: Christina Mrosek Phone: 0049 30 2093 46792

M.Sc. Quantitative Molecular Biology; MSc. Organismal Biology, Biodiversity and Evolution; M.Sc. Biophysics, M.Ed. Biology (ISS/GYM/BS)

Absent due to vacation from 28.10.2024 up to and including 03.11.2024. Please contact my deputy Tina Rohde ( only in urgent matters, stating the reason for the deadline and the deadline date.


Examination Office for Psychology – Rudower Chaussee 18


Office hours Examination Office Adlershof - Tuesdays 11:00 - 13:00, Thursdays 9:00-11:00

(During office hours the availability by telephone is limited).


Bachelor's degree programmes : Vera Kober (part-time monday-thursday)

B.Sc. Psychologie

Tel.: 0049 30 2093 98706


Master's degree programmes : Birgit Ammon-Lassen (part-time monday-thursday)

M.Sc. Psychology, M.Sc. Psychology: Focus on Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, M.Sc. Counselling and Counselling Science - Coaching | Training | Consulting and Human-Centred Design (postgraduate)

Tel.: 0049 30 2093 9300


Examination Office Mind & Brain – Luisenstraße 56


Anja Papenfuß, Dr. Dirk Mende - Room 308 (2nd floor) / Phone 0049 30 2093 1792 or 1793

M.Sc. Mind & Brain - Track Brain / M.A. Mind & Brain - Track Mind


Room and lesson planning (For teachers only! Students are requested to contact the Student Advisory Service of the Departments.)


Thaer Department (Agricultural and Horticultural Sciences) –

Department of Biology –

Department of Psychology –


Head of teaching and studies – Campus Nord House 20


Stefanie Schüler - Phone: 0049 30 2093 46304


Consultant of teaching and studies – Campus Nord House 20


Christina Randt - Phone: 0049 30 2093 46864

Part time (Mon-Fri)