Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Faculty of Life Sciences


  • Uniform address for all examination offices: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Lebenswissenschaftliche Fakultät, Prüfungsbüro ... [insert subject or department], Unter den Linden 6, 10099 Berlin
  • If you would like to contact us by e-mail, please use your HU e-mail address and state your matriculation number!


Office hours examination office Mitte (Agricultural and Horticultural Sciences and Biology / Biophysics) - Tuesdays 09:30 - 13:30


Examination Office for Agricultural and Horticultural Sciences – Campus Nord House 20


Bachelor's degree programmes and teaching Bachelor's + teaching Master's degree programmes: Samira Fuhrmann (part-time monday-thursday) Phone: 0049 30 2093 46795

B.Sc. Agricultural Science; B.Sc. Horticultural Science; M.Ed. Agricultural Economics 

Absent due to illness until 13.03.2025. Please only contact Hendrik Jahn ( in urgent matters relating to deadlines, stating the reason for the deadline and the deadline date.


Master's degree programmes: Hendrik Jahn Phone: 0049 30 2093 46788

M.Sc. Process and Quality Management in Agriculture and Horticulture (PQM); M.Sc. Fish Biology, Fisheries and Aquaculture; M.Sc. Integrated Natural Resource Management; M.Sc. Agricultural Economics; International Master in Horticultural Science; International Master in Rural Development


Examination Office for Biology and Biophysics – Campus Nord House 20


Bachelor's degree programmes and teaching Bachelor's degree programmes: Tina Rohde Phone: 0049 30 2093 46789 

B.Sc. Biology Mono; B.Sc. Biophysics Mono; B.Sc. Biology with teaching combination


Master's degree programmes and teaching Master's degree programmes: Christina Mrosek Phone: 0049 30 2093 46792

M.Sc. Quantitative Molecular Biology; MSc. Organismal Biology, Biodiversity and Evolution; M.Sc. Biophysics, M.Ed. Biology (ISS/GYM/BS)


Examination Office for Psychology – Rudower Chaussee 18


Office hours Examination Office Adlershof - Tuesdays 11:00 - 13:00, Thursdays 9:00-11:00

(During office hours the availability by telephone is limited).



Bachelor's degree programmes : Vera Kober (part-time monday-thursday)

B.Sc. Psychologie

Tel.: 0049 30 2093 98706


Master's degree programmes : Birgit Ammon-Lassen (part-time monday-thursday)

M.Sc. Psychology, M.Sc. Psychology: Focus on Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, M.Sc. Counselling and Counselling Science - Coaching | Training | Consulting and Human-Centred Design (postgraduate)

Tel.: 0049 30 2093 9300


Examination Office Mind & Brain – Luisenstraße 56


Anja Papenfuß, Dr. Dirk Mende - Room 308 (2nd floor) / Phone 0049 30 2093 1792 or 1793

M.Sc. Mind & Brain - Track Brain / M.A. Mind & Brain - Track Mind


Room and lesson planning (For teachers only! Students are requested to contact the Student Advisory Service of the Departments.)


Thaer Department (Agricultural and Horticultural Sciences) –

Department of Biology –

Department of Psychology –


Head of teaching and studies – Campus Nord House 20


Stefanie Schüler - Phone: 0049 30 2093 46304


Consultant of teaching and studies – Campus Nord House 20


Christina Randt - Phone: 0049 30 2093 46864

Part time (Mon-Fri)